Mehroo Turel
Mehroo Turel
from Hong Kong
11 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am looking at buying a new smart phone. I currently have a Sansung Galaxy II which was working well for my blogging needs, since my of my posts are written on the run. I am confused between the Samsung Galaxy IV and the I-phone 5. As long as I can use a mobile app to post which can be easily syncronised with my laptop at home and have the ability to upload pics directly from my phone on my laptop, I will be happy. At present I just use these 2 basic features but if anyone has got more suggestions, please let me know. Thank you! 


Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I'm inclined neither towards iOS or Android, so to the extent of unbiased I can get, and after having a look at iPhone 5 and SG SIII (well IV shouldn't be much different), I say go for the iPhone. That sets standards, and for all uses including social media and blogging it's cool. I personally use the Lumia 920 though and I find it even better.

Mehroo Turel
Mehroo Turel
from Hong Kong
11 years ago

Hey guys, thanks so much for all your comments and views.

The Sorcerer to answer your questions while I have used my Samsung SII to start on many of my blogs the final finish is done on my computer. Just to make sure there are no spell errors or when I have more than one photo to upload. Having said that I must have written posts start to finish on the same phone if no or maybe one photo is involved. I work on the blogger app on my phone which automatically gets saved and I can continue working on the same on my laptop if need be. I have also recently figured out a way to use Google+ to get my phone photos directly to my laptp without up or downloading!

Which brings me back to my earlier question - which phone to buy to have ease of use to continue writing blogs, check mails, etc without losing too much battery and with minimum effort.

I am more comfortable with a Samsung but I think the S4 size is a big put off for me, or maybe I might get used to it I am not sure. Iphone with its apps and light weight and nice size looks more appealing but then I am not usd to Apple products. 

Still thinkng...


from Bangalore
11 years ago

if you have a current phone, I think you can go for ipad mini instead. I've been using ipad mini in blogging for quite sometime now and it's really effecient and fast. battery charge lasts very long and you can get all the apps you need for blogging and editing pictures. it's not so bulky as ipad so you can easily carry it too. Samsung Note is good too but I don't like its plastic hardware, and battery doesn't last a day. I use samsung anroid phone as for my calling purpose only, and for other stuffs, like reading, games, blogging, etc. i use ipad mini.

Dhaval Thakur
Dhaval Thakur
from Chennai
11 years ago
Yup! iPhone :) xD
Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

reading others' blogs and forums... replying in blogs and forums is perfect with smart-phone but when it comes to blog-posting I really need a full-size computer... I admit I'm not smart enough to utilise a smart-phone for this purpose....

Now coming back to original topic, I would vote for Galaxy S4... It'll give you flexibility in other aspects too... otherwise if someone is an old apple user he/she should upgrade to Iphone5 only.... Smile

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

How many apps are there for blogger or wordpress platform in android platform to operate blogs ??

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Sorry, as I told before never used anything more than my default browser to browse blogs and forums, for which I didn't feel any requirement of additional application Smile

Dhaval Thakur
Dhaval Thakur
from Chennai
11 years ago
Go for Samsung product. Coz screen for iPhone is small for you to work on your blog. Also as Samsung products are android based,and as android is open source you can do anything to the interface too and yes you can download torrents too! I iPhone you need a app for everything -___- iphone5 has just 1gb ram! While Samsung note 2 has more!
Ayushi Bhatia
Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
11 years ago
I vote for the i5. It is an absolutely marvelous device :) I can't think of a better phone. And to answer your question, yes, it is blog friendly, infact, I'm replying to this topic through the safari browser on my i5 ;) it's the best :) but it without any second thoughts.
Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

I'd vote for iPhone cause I believe it has better performance than any Samsung products in terms of battery, durability and much more. Also, if you are in habit of writing blogs on the go, you will like iPhone's notepad functionality 'cause whatever you write in that notepad will be directly emailed to your registered email address. So if you have written half the blog, you can complete the other half in your PC (I do that). Anyway, I may be partial to iPhone as I like value in my products that I wasn't able to find in Samsung products.

I phone rocks

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