my indirank is 0

Vijay Kudal
Vijay Kudal
from Mumbai
11 years ago

my blog was topmost blog for marathi category,suddenly ranking vanished

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
from hyderabad
11 years ago

Your profile page shows youyr blog link as which is giving an Internal Server Error. And so, IndiBlogger's bot cannot read your feed and provide your with an IndiRank.

In this thread, you mentioned that your blog is at which is different from the one in your profle. So, how can you get an IndiRank without adding it to your profile. Or did you accidentally delete it?

Simply add your blog to you profile and you will get an IndiRank after the next update.

Marathi kavita
Marathi kavita
from Pune
11 years ago

when u checked it

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

did it vanish today? Surprised

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