Free Theme vs Nulled Theme?
You can find a variety of Free Wordpress Themes by simply searching in Google or in WP Directory. But if one will like a Permium theme the he/she can download nulled theme from different sites and check malacious codes through TAC .. Then Should one use Free Theme or Nulled theme??
Thanks Ranjith. WPMU cautions about the use of such free themes:
I remember reading that article a long time back. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Hope that it helps other members too.
There is risk in using nulled theme
Design is certainly a part of the blog but content is even more important. Make the theme even more attractive and the reader will concentrate lesser on the content. ( Don't ask me for a proof of this claim - I've read this somewhere recently on a blog )
I use Blogger and not wordpress. So, I can talk only about Blogger. Using a barebone template and using the Template Editor, one can use a good combination of colours and pictures to make the blog design better. So, I think that the same applies to wordpress also.
Now, don't ask me to buy a license of Microsoft!
In order to track usage of premium themes, the developer adds certain codes which will inform him of the usage of the theme on different blogs. If the developer comes to know that someone is using the theme without a license, he can take action against the site.
But everyone in the world loves free things! So, there are some other people who take the premium themes and remove the script which notifies the original developer of the theme's usage. These [pirated] themes are called nulled themes. Now, the person who has nulled the theme has certain motives. He may add links to his own site in the theme or insert some malicious code. So, before using nulled themes, one should check for malicious code. TAC is a plugin which serves the purpose.
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