My very first day on IndiBlogger (12-April-2013). [Seeking help and info. about

from Nainital
11 years ago

Hello members,


I am Ank Arya, a newbie to IndiBlogger. I have joined this wonderful website by today's morning only. First of all, I am eager to say a 'Hi!' to each and every member, who is reading or not reading my post.


As I am new to the site, and being honest, I would not like to go through long and lenghty rules and guidelines written somewhere in the site, but I really want to follow all the rules with due respect.


So, I request and invite all the old/senior members members to this thread and let me know some easy and most 'needed-to-know' rules and regulations of IndiBlogger, and things that all the members should know. Smile


At the same time, please let me know about what does 'adding someone or being added by someone to your network' means.


Your valuable replies will be highly appreciated.



Me :)

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from Nainital
11 years ago

"So you're letting us to imagine that a fine day will come when your vine will be full & juicy and you'll cast off your cloak of shame and sell your stuffs SurprisedWinkLaughing

Pardon me if I hint that I love fantasies Cool"

@Anunoy Samanta,

A famous poet has said a writer's writing and poet's poetry a shadow of lies and imaginary stuff. Well, I appreciate your imagination. But, I was never a fan of 'Rowdy Rathore' and his dialouge that says 'What I do not mention, that is definitely done by me'. Thus, I am never going to do any kind of shameless promotions anywhere 'ever'. Wink My main goal for writing is nothing, but 'Satisfaction', so I don't see any possibilities in present or future when man will start selling his Satisfaction in exchange of anything.Wish you a good night ahead. (It is already 2:20AM). Smile 


Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Very good Arya Smile

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Animesh K Mishra is the IndiPolice captain here. Listen to his words carefully. 

He believes in two things: discipline and the rules thread. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the rules; your ass belongs to the Captain. Welcome to Indiblogger.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

I'm delighted to find another Shawshank Redemption fan here Surprised... and overwhelmed to find that 'ass' doesn't get beeped (read 'blacklisted') in this forum Tongue out

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

It was one hell of a movie. Without the 'ass' the punchline would have been lost.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Offcourse Laughing

from Nainital
11 years ago

Well, it all depends on one's personal thinking. Just mentioning this to share I felt him a "Doctor" with his perfect suggestions dissolved in the air of simplicity and humour. Smile

Asses belong to only those who were actually born with it. Though, I will be having trust on all the useful advices that I’ll keep reading in ‘the rules’ and forum itself. Wish you a good time.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Heheee relax broda (I know you're already relaxed though) Tongue out..... I and Lucifer (The Fool), we both believe on copyrighting our things like million other bloggers... and just because he's a SR fan he didn't really mean to rob you of your copyright from your inborn asset 'your a$$'.... So, a hi5 in the name of a$$ and let's blog... BTW I would suggest you about a different issue, never assume things from Online interactions LaughingWink

from Mumbai
11 years ago


your ass belongs to the Captain.

from Nainital
11 years ago
Thanks for the useful info :) Lol. Surely, I am not going to do such kind of thing anywhere. Also, I am not having a lot of stuff on my blogs yet. :P
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

So you're letting us to imagine that a fine day will come when your vine will be full & juicy and you'll cast off your cloak of shame and sell your stuffs SurprisedWinkLaughing

Pardon me if I hint that I love fantasies Cool

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Thanks for understanding it Arya Smile... grazing and munching grasses in slow pace is the key to gain knowledge from any forum, isn't it?

BTW that 'sorry' was just the icing to the rotten cake Tongue outLaughing

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Welcome Arya Smile

'adding someone or being added by someone to your network' - means the same as 'friends' in FB or 'circle' in g-plus, i.e. socialising with a group of guys as per your mutual choice. By adding to network or by getting added you can send private mails to them and easily check out their posts.


"So, I request and invite all the old/senior members members to this thread and let me know some easy and most 'needed-to-know' rules and regulations of IndiBlogger, and things that all the members should know" - sorry if I sound rude, but facts can't be or rather shouldn't be sugar-coated to make it more palatable... so to be a part of the forum (i.e. to be one among us) you have to spend your time reading those "long and lenghty rules and guidelines written somewhere in the site"! Respect the fact that it took some quality time to type those guidelines by your forum-fellows... so, come down from the tea branch and explore this jungle Wink

from Nainital
11 years ago

Thanks a lot for your valuable response. :)


You need not to say sorry, as we always know while we are doing something wrong. If you are pointing out the same, then it should be my duty to accept my mistakes. :) Actually, I had signed up and started using the site in a hurry, but now I am realizing how useful it can be to remain a member here. I will surely read all the info and guidelines that have been mentioned in the site, as I get some free time.


Thanks again for your response. :)

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