Please review my rationalism blog
This website is an edndeavor to promote rationalism, science and humanism among our readers. Kindly review my website so that i can understand my flaws and make it better. Thanks
1. Layout : Very professional, neat and feel good layout. Goes well with the mood of the blog. Just one observation: The right sidebar looks a bit empty. Consider moving "More articles" to sidebar ?
2. Content: Very good quality content. I have actually started following you now :)
3. Frequency: Good
Overall: This is a very good initiative from your side. Keep it up ! :)
Thanks for your review. I wanted to keep the website as clean and userfriendly as possible, looks like this theme is working for now.
I will try to add content to the right side bar too as suggested by you.
We are adding a few articles this week, do check them.