One request to all Indiblogger members

Aditya Dey
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Hey fellow bloggers,

Today I have a small request to you all....I want that you all please give some of your time to the review section of Indiblogger....Give some of your time to review the blog's of the members of Indiblogger.....Try to review at least 3-5 blogs/day....It will help that blogger to improve his/her blog, and inspire him.her to come up with a killer contents in the future......I will review all the blogs of all the members who will comment in this thread with my best possible knowledge (Please you don't have to leave your blog's link here, I'll find it via your profile) please be a little bit more active in the "Review Section"......It's a request.....

Replies 21 to 40 of 120 Descending
Abhishek Supertramp
Abhishek Supertramp
from Jaipur
11 years ago

it`a great idea,aditya..  good work.

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

@Abhishek-Thanks bro....We need your help too to make it more worthy.....

from Pune
11 years ago

Whoa ! Made sure there are no requests with 0 reviews in the first 3 pages Cool

from Panaji, Goa
11 years ago

Wow I had to scrol and scrol to come here. This is a lot of work for you. I will review blogs in the next month. I know it helps for  a review here kept me blogging till now. 

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Thanks for understanding.....Do it from next month....

from Noida
11 years ago

Thanks Aditya fr this will definitely encourage newbies lik myself...i had actually got 2-3 great suggestions frm fellow bloggers which actually helped a lot!!! I believe every blogger whethr new or old constantly strives to better their pls keep reviewing!!!!

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Thanks for mentioning it Aditi that a few great suggestions helped you a lot to enhance your blogging journey....That's why I am saying that reviewing is a very important thing to motivate a blogger in a good keep doing it....If you haven't started it yet...den Start now....

Shivam Singh Rathore
Shivam Singh Rathore
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Sounds Good!

Useful thread! I would like to put up my blog "perpetual mind" for review. In return, I will put up my review on your blogs in the same thread. Only thing i expect is that the review should be genuine - what is good or needed and what is not good or can be removed.

from Hyderabad
11 years ago

This is good..

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Hmm thank you.....hope you are taking a positive part in it.......

from Mumbai
11 years ago

I'll do it too. I have boring days at the office, might as well check out some blogs!

Vidhi Jobanputra
Vidhi Jobanputra
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Smile thanks for the help to new members like me:)

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Don't need to mention it......just try to carry on the initiative....any way you said that you are a new all the very very best.....I would review your blog soon....if possible add me to your network....

Joy Banerjee
Joy Banerjee
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Aditay,

I liked the way you write – you flow is good and I believeyou must move to you own domain from Blogspot. That will give you moreflexibility, again that’s totally your decision which way you want to move.Best of Luck – Let me know any assistance is needed.

--Joy Banerjee

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

@Joy- It will be better if you put up your review on my blog to the review section......

Mahathi Ramya
Mahathi Ramya
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Nice initiative. I check some blogs and rate them sometimes, but i dont get time to review complete blog. Will try  whenever i can.. Also, please review my blog :)

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

I will don't worry.....just try to increase your rate of reviewing.....

Robinsh Kumar
Robinsh Kumar
from Allahababd
11 years ago

I'll do it too !

Dhaval Thakur
Dhaval Thakur
from Chennai
11 years ago
Reviewing 3-4 blogs daily..
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Great....keep doing bro......Have a look on mine too if someday u would have some extra time after reviewing 3-4 blogs Foot in mouth

11 years ago

Nice initiative it will definitely help new comers like me :)

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Certainly dude......Have a beautiful blogger journey.....stay blessed....

Ravindra Joisa
Ravindra Joisa
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Yes. You are right... one more request is that clicking on 'View post to Promote' will take you to that blog post.. please go thru' the blog post and leave a comment or share it will your friends. The reason why im saying this is.. I have seen people... they click on 'View post to Promote' and this post will appear in a new tab/window. People just close this tab and then click on 'Promote this post'.. This will only increase the bounce rate. Please go thru' the post.. there are too many good posts out there. 

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Hmm you are right...Most people do it with the view exchange ideology....which is so wrong....but it will be a time consuming task...but worth will be better if you can talk with the fellow bloggers via Indi mail...that will be far better.....I personally recieved only 5 Indi mails till unpopular I'm here... Tongue out

Rainbow Hues
Rainbow Hues
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

I'd like a review too...And of course, I review blogs frequently too . Thanks Laughing

Zafar Ahmad
Zafar Ahmad
from Jalandhar
11 years ago

Thanks brother for this initiative and please review my Blog.

Manas Barpande
Manas Barpande
from Indore
11 years ago
That's a great initiative. I'm a new member in the Indiblogger family, but I'll try my best to review the blogs. :)
from Bhubaneswar
11 years ago


Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hey guys,

I know I am late but I couldn't help but respond. I am new to the blogging world and I have started reading some of the blogs regularly; but I am very disillusioned by the quality of blogs. Incorrect English, incorrect grammar and punctuations are rampant and they are too bad to ignore even when the concept is good and strong. I told the same thing to my fellow blogger friend and she told me to get used to it as it's Indian English (I have over 10 years of working experience as a writer/editor with international publication houses). I don't think that's a valid excuse for poor writing skills, especially when you are earning your bread and butter from it. I seriously doubt reviewing their blogs is going to help. They need to go back to school to learn how to respect the language. I don't mean to offend anyone but I DO get offended when I see somebody disrespecting the language. Sorry if it's an irrelevant issue.

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Please calm down.....I'm getting your points, and they are valid too...."I told the same thing to my fellow blogger friend and she told me to get used to it as it's Indian English" (You are right, that shouldn't be the right attitude, your friend wasn't right)...Basically I just hate this "get used to" factor.....But I would suggest you to try to help them...At least try to make them aware of it....Indian English to be precise Indian' english is not so bad (Whatz the nationality of that female friend of yours??)

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