Do you accept sponsored reviews? Is it good or Bad?

from Chennai
11 years ago

Hello fellow Blogger,

Do you accept sponsored reviews? Is it good or Bad?

Recently i got offer from advertiser, Now i have to write Sponsored review for all the content. They gonna pay me up :)

why should i the only one to earn money from blogging? To be honest i cant do all this by alone :P

If you are interested Provide your URL| PR | DA | PA | Alexa | Niche | Facebook Profile | Email Address |

My Facebook Profile IG Pradeep


PR - Page Rank

DA - Domain Authority

PA - Page Authority

Alexa - Alexa Ranking

Niche - (Tech, Blogging, Gadgets, News, Software, Comics, Fashion or Finance ) like that which catagory is your blog?

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Clear Details
Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Pune
11 years ago

Only if it does not take away your freedom to say your mind

Aditya Dey
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

If the review suits your blog's main niche, and it pays well, then its good otherwise it is the worst.....

from Chennai
11 years ago

Do you accept Sponsored reviews? URL| PR | DA | PA | Alexa | Niche | Facebook Profile | Email Address |

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