What is the difference between Posts and Pages in Blogger?

from Chennai
11 years ago

I'm really confused about these 2 options in blogger. Whenever I want to share something in my blog, I use New Post and publish it. So what is Pages and how to use that in Blogger.com

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from Chennai
11 years ago

That's great Ranjith. It cleared all my doubts and confusions about them. Thanks :)

from hyderabad
11 years ago

One major difference between the two is the URL structure. If you create a page with the title XYZ, the URL will be www.---.blogspot.com/p/XYZ.html The URL of a post having the same title will also include the year and month in which it was published. For example, if it is published in the month of January,2013 the URL looks like www.---.blogspot.com/2013/01/XYZ.html 

Generally, people use pages for creating 'About Me', 'Contact Us', 'Articles List' and similar pages. These things are definitely not blog posts. What you post normally should be a post and not a page. Moreover, there is a limit on the number of pages that you can create ( I think that you can create a maximum of ten pages ) . So, you will have to create posts ( rather than pages ) whenever you want to share something.

And, you have done the right thing : creating posts for things that you wanted to share.

You can go ahead and create an 'About Me' page (if you like to do so ) and include details about yourself in that page. After creating the pages, to make them visible, go to pages on your dashboard and select an option from the 'Show pages as' dropdown menu.

When you have sufficient number of posts, you can also group them together, create a new page for each of those groups and include links to those posts in the pages. See this blog- when you click the links like fiction, poetry etc you are being taken to a page containing a list of posts under that group. You will have to create those pages with links to those pages manually. Unfortunately, there is no tool for generating those pages automatically.

Hope this helps you! If you have any other doubts, feel free to ask. Smile

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