Lesser restrictions = Lesser Crimes. Severe punishments = More Crimes.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Do you agree with this?


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Ankita Singhal
Ankita Singhal
from Mumbai
11 years ago

You know... this topic is little vague. By lesser restrictions what do you mean exactly?? Do you mean lesser laws? Or restrictions imposed by society? Or what?? 

I believe We have enough laws to control crime rate--- BUT not properly imposed, we have very less number of courts which is Impending justice. We have very less no. of police force per 1000 person. We lack in security and its enforcement and in most of the backward areas (From the data available online) women are still disrespected, even families don't teach their children to respect women results in Rape and crime against women. Though Crimes cant be eradicated, but punishments under the law can be given without delay. We need that... and our society is not too restricted, Tell me when was the last time any one paid parking ticked for parking in No-parking zone, or crossed red signal. I have seen many ppl do it daily .. so NO OUR SOCIETY IS NOT AT ALL TOO RESTRICTED INSTEAD WE DO WHAT WE WANT AND WE JUSTIFY IT OUR own way.

We all demand for sever punishments for brutal rape cases, coz they deserve it, it is justifiable. 

from Hyderabad, India
11 years ago

Is this thread dedicated only to rapes?..


Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Necessarily no. Mr. Unknown. The topic is how a society must be made.

My answer = lesser restrictions, lesser punishments.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Lesser restrictions means the society of police should not intervene in private affairs of people like having sexual relationships, may be making money out of it, riding a bicycle without helmet, riding a car without seat belt, etc. etc. etc. We must throw away the so called Indian culture which was not Indian since a few centuries. We must embrace our old tradition. We must live in freedom. Freedom to do whatever we want.

In that system, we must slowly reduce punishments for crime. It will show a further improvement.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

there were no bikes or car in old days so how can we go back to our old tradition. so yes we need to enforce helmets and put fine if they dont follow rules, as its for their own good...we form laws as per current times...

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

if u want to throw indian culture and go back to ur imaginary utopian old traditions then throw away all ur computers, cars, bikes tv...etc too as these things didnt exist then...and if u want to use these things u must follow the laws associated with them

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

If you say it is for your good that you must be forced to wear helmet, then going with that same reason, I must tell you not to smoke, not to drink alcohol. You want those restrictions?

And I know a lot more thing which will do you good. May I impose them all?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I don't want any utopian tradition. I just need the ancient Indian culture.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

there is warning given in the cigerate box.....ciggies will kill only you...whereaas bikes/car gonna kill others too for no fault of theirs hence the fine......in ancent culture they used bullock carks...who is stopping u from travelling in one...but if u travel in modern cars.planes etc u better follow their laws

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I'm not explaining the difference between third party insurance and seat belt. Please understand it yourself.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

you first understand what i'm saying....if u want to go back to ancient times are you willing to give up modern amenities and travel in bullock carts??? if u travel in bullock kart u wont need any helmet....but if people wanna live in present times they'll have to wear helmet and follow its laws ok?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Please understand yourself the difference between having license and helmet.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

nop u understand... if u want ancient laws u must be ready to travel bullock carts as in ancient times....if u want modern stuff..u must abide by modern laws

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago
I don't know how to make you understand this (you may also be thinking the same). So lets indi mail and sort it out. What do you say?

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