What is your posting frequency?
I average 2 articles a month, but my articles are always long and well researched.
I figure having a higer frequency would help the blog grow faster. But on the other hand, I don't like compromising on length or quality of posts.
What about other bloggers? What is your frequency? Do you think its too much or too little (I have a feeling everyone is going to feel they post too less)?
Last month because of blogging marthon I did it evry single day else my post are now sporadic. Just at times to keep up with commitments of the various groups I have joined. I would like to earn on my blog but that is a far far away dream.
One in a Millenium !!
Sorry one or two posts in a month
I dont have enough topic to post every day, I wont be able to manage time either since writting one topic in my subject takes time to gather content, information and resource to shape the post..
I guess topic wise posting frequency depends, cant help if google bots only give prioty to numbers rather than resource offered !!!!
I have been blogging since 2008 on my blog 'getmoneyrich'
In my initial days I used to blog 4/5 posts /month.
But I soon realized the increasing blogging frequency was also important to keep google bots interested in my domain.
I try for daily updates but it is not easy.
I am able to maintain 3/4 post each week. I am doing this since last 2 years.
I post in my long running blog typically once ot twice a month, or sometimes once in some months, the long keep scrolling types one.
This january I started a new blog for the exact reason of posting more frequently, I so far post everyday. More like an online kind of journal.
Once every 3-4 days.I've read so much about these daily challenges,don't think I'll ever be able to do that though.
anybody here to beat my old track record of 3 posts in a calendar year?
I write about 2-3 article/week and only write about things I really want to share with my readers with detail analysis.
also I started a "Inspirational Sunday" column so that I abide to my audience that I write atleast a article every week.
Owing to NaPoWriMo challenge posting 1-2 posts per day nowadays ... but from my past records my posting frequency can go as low as 3 posts in a year
Of late I am posting every single day. Joined the worldwide A-Z Blogging Challenge of posting once each day except Sundays. Its sometimes stressful but mostly it is fun and helps improve my thought process and finding ways to express myself.
You may call me a part-time non-earning blogger. I have 6 blogs out of which 2 has been mentioned in my profile. I generally write for nothing but my satisfaction and to learn more from my writings. I write to remove itches from my hands. As I have chosen to be at learning stage only, I am only posting when I am getting some good time or when I feel like that.
Though, I will be happy if someday one of my blog starts earning a good money. For now, it is just like a dream as I have not even started thinking on it.
To your question, sometimes I may write 2-3 in a day and sometimes it may be as late as a complete month. Being active to six different blogs need a lot of time, that unfortunately I am lacking being a regular student of CSE.
I post around 2-3 posts per day, depending on what new stuff has been added to the game... Some days can be frantic, when we have to make some 10+ posts in a day to publish all the info that we gather
I'm a new blogger. So, I post more frequently, about 3 times a week. I am planning to get this down to once a week, due to time constraints. But till the blog grows, I have no choice!
My articles are long-ish( Averaging abput 1200 words), so I think I should be posting once a week, or at most, twice!
I post average 2 articles per week
Seeing all these responses, I think am on the lower end with 2 articles a month, I think I should concentrate on stepping it up.
Remember, though, that it is quality not quantity that matters. I write a lot because I want to communicate, and living in a country different from the one in which I was raised, a blog seems to be the best way to do that.
Even though I may have more posts than you have, it seems that it is only my film reviews and genealogy posts that are appreciated, in other words, only two posts per month.
When I began my blog, I wanted to publish 100 posts for the first 12 months. I was able to do that, but only because I had a tremendous upsurge in writing toward the end.
In all of 2012, I had 125 posts, or about 10 per month.
For 2013, I want to maintain that. So far, I have averaged 11(+) per month, but I do not know how long I can maintain that.
Unlike yours, Stagg Mann, my posts are somewhat short (or, at least, they are shorter than they used to be) and not extensively researched. For example, just today, I thought of an idea for a post, and I have already published it. (This does not apply to most other of my posts, though.)
What exactly is your goal from blogging? Satisfaction? Lot of traffic and money? If it is just satisfaction, then you should just do what is comfortable for you. If you are looking for lot of revenue from blogging, then you need to post a lot - the more you can, the better. Writing long articles are good to improve the reputation of the blog, but it is the short articles that bring lot of traffic most of the time. You need to balance between reputation and traffic since long term traffic depends on the reputation of the site.
@Tony John - Liked what you said . Can you tell us little more briefly (or) in points about "short articles to balance between reputation and traffic "
As for the above question, I don't follow any sequence or number for posting .I do post only when I am ready with my posts sometimes from 2 to 3 per week to 2 to 3 per month .It just depends
@Tony John .Hey are you the admin of ISC???
@Stagg Mann, I too am confused. Sometimes a whole month passes, while I am researching. I guess, breaking up the writings into multiple posts should help; but then I am a beginner others please suggest...