sunil arya would like you to review his/her blog.
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please have a look,n suggest about content of blog.

sunil arya
sunil arya
from ghaziabad
12 years ago

i had hobby of writing poems for long,but recently i started blogging on request of my dear friend deepak..these all poems are written by me so are precious to me.please have a look and tell me your experience about my pen.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Akhil Pulotil
Akhil Pulotil
from Kerela
12 years ago

I Like Your Poems Dude !!

Nice Blog Too !!

Keep Posting Poems And I Suggest You To Write Some Poems In English Too !! Smile

sunil arya
sunil arya
from ghaziabad
12 years ago

thanx akhil....

sure i will.

Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hi Sunil:)

You have got a fab poem collection!!! I don't understand half of it though Cry It's soo difficult to interpret some lines(I actually google the meaning of the words you useFrown)

Beautiful imagination,beautiful lines,beautifulmeaning and what not! your blog rocksCool

I have some suggestions for you:

1.Change the background of your blog to a bit more creative one_the dilchasb poet one:)

2.Please use a bit simpler words(lol)

3.keep visiting my blog...........that's all!


sunil arya
sunil arya
from ghaziabad
12 years ago

THANX bushra..

ya i will try new background..actually  um a bit lazy on that account.also slow on keypad.

ofcourse sometimes while rhyming lines or sometimes catching essence i step into harder cores,but now i will put meaning when necessory.

its pleasure to read your its treat to visit your blog.

thnax for  your valuable suggestn,tc