please have a look,n suggest about content of blog.
i had hobby of writing poems for long,but recently i started blogging on request of my dear friend deepak..these all poems are written by me so are precious to me.please have a look and tell me your experience about my pen.
I Like Your Poems Dude !!
Nice Blog Too !!
Keep Posting Poems And I Suggest You To Write Some Poems In English Too !!
thanx akhil....
sure i will.
Hi Sunil:)
You have got a fab poem collection!!! I don't understand half of it though It's soo difficult to interpret some lines(I actually google the meaning of the words you use
Beautiful imagination,beautiful lines,beautifulmeaning and what not! your blog rocks
I have some suggestions for you:
1.Change the background of your blog to a bit more creative one_the dilchasb poet one:)
2.Please use a bit simpler words(lol)
3.keep visiting my blog...........that's all!
THANX bushra..
ya i will try new background..actually um a bit lazy on that account.also slow on keypad.
ofcourse sometimes while rhyming lines or sometimes catching essence i step into harder cores,but now i will put meaning when necessory.
its pleasure to read your its treat to visit your blog.
thnax for your valuable suggestn,tc