How many page views/day for your blog?
Hola Bloggers,
I have a small query. I wanted to know how much page hits or views does your blog gets on a single day? Can any expert be kind enough to share their knowledge on how to increase page views. I understand that there are lots of bloggers who have written about it , but I really want to know. I have tried it but all my attempts to increase my page views have been futile. #totalfiasco
I recieve around 250-350 views per day. How much is yours?
Reason: typo error
5-6 on average
that rises to 10-11 , if i am lucky..
lolz... Even I don't know
What ind of a blogger i am ..
i have daily hits of 100 - 120
i guess thats coz i do not have much on my blog. I usually do promotions on fb tweets and on blogger communities
It feels so good to know that I am not the only one who gets least pageviews. Well, I wish you and your blog a happy growing!I can understand your pain as I am myself going through the same. LOL.
My blog (18 months old) gets 1300 -1600 page views a day.
it takes time and effort to build blog traffic, I suggest to use effective seo if you want high traffic..
high traffic is only possible through search engines
Gowardhan Doddi
The simple truth is that the the various tips that people suggest never work for personal blogs. The majority of traffic needs to come from Google and to get such traffic, one needs to blog about things which people search for: technology, gadgets, movies, information ( academics: like programming, robotics), blogging tips etc. For such kind of blogs/ sites, the target audience is much larger. For a personal blog where one shares poems, stories and experiences, the majority of readers are co bloggers, who are a small number of the people on this earth and the page views are bound to be lesser.
Even then, a personal blog can get more page views by blogging about things that are a good fit for personal blogs and are the things which people search for. A few examples are:
- Reviews of new books/ all time popular books.
- Opinions about trending news
- Essays on proverbs and other things ( A lot of students search for them ) 'Love vs Arranged Marriage' is a term people frequently search for. Some people might have been lucky enough to receive traffic to their entries through Google. Such a thing happened to me with my entry 'Colours of Life' for HP contest.
To get an estimate of the number of people who search a particular term, use Google Keyword Tool A high number of searches/month doesn't guarantee that your traffic will increase, because a lot of people might have already written on that topic. You need to choose a search term and google it to see how many pages already exist on that topic. If the number if less than 10, (don't ask me why only 10? Replace it with whatever number you want) your attempt will succeed, else your attempts may or may not succeed.
It might happen by chance that the one who has entered your blog through google is a reader of blogs. So, it is a good idea to do something that would make him return back to your blog. For example, for people who reach your site through google, you can display the facebook gadget and e mail subscription gadget before any other gadget in the right margin.
If all the above things fail, move ahead and start a blog ( which looks like a website) full of educational content related to your undergraduate study. Students search for these things a lot and the number of websites catering to their needs are very few, with a lot of them being websites of professors. You can actually earn a good deal of money this way!
For the categories of posts I've mentioned ( Reviews, opinions, essays) Keep the title straight forward. No artistic skills are to be shown . That is what SEO is partly about. ( Remembered about SEO about reading Sherna's reply here. And after blogging about something, you also need to start accumulating backlinks. You can do it in the natural way also. First, post the blog plink to IndiVine and other places like Blog.... ( forgot the names of those websites
) And while commenting on blogs, don't use your blogger profile to comment. Rather, use Name and URL with the URL being the URL of your blog post and not your blog home page. I'm not very sure if no follow links helps but there is no harm in getting some no follow links also. You might be lucky enough if a few of the blogs you have been regularly reading and commenting are do follow.
And some say that getting excessive links through comments affects rankings but it hasn't been proved by anyone till date. I have read a blog post a few years back discussing this issue, but I don't remember where it was.
True. Like how I get 5k pageviews for now on an average. The number is significantly small compared to what people in the same genre of writing. They cross 1 million per week easily.
1 million per week easily
Really! Can you cite a few examples?
I feel that you are probably mistaken that it is the same genre...
The best thing I can suggest for you is the third point: Essays on proverbs and other things Start experimenting with it!
Same genre that I write in= tech review. More specifically pc hardware reviews. techspot, eteknix, anandtech,tom's hardware, pcper, fudzilla, etc. crosses those numbers easily.
I though that the one who had replied was TSW ( ) with the genre being personal blog. That was the reason for the suggestion about essays.
Coming to your blog, there are three main factors:
- Frequency of posting: Most of the sites you have mentioned post something between 5-10 new posts every day. They probably are managed by more than a single person. While your blog is a part time hobby/profession.
- Page Rank: PR in some way or the other indicates the number of backlinks. In general, pages with higher PR rank higher on Google.
- News Items: Those sites post more news items than you which again contributes to staying on the top.
And 1 lakh vistors per month is consideraby good. You must be earning 100$ per month on an average.... good for the effort you put in.
Yeah i get a good amount, I am planning to shift to VPS hosting now and start a tech forum using xenforo+ upgrade my test bench+ upgrade the theme+ rating system on the site which will average the overall rating based on ratings on the sub-ratings like user experience, ease of views, compatibility and all that jazz. I am saving funds for now so that I can implement it by june/july. Hopefully i can save some cash for advertising as well.
Thank you for such an informative response.
I get around 5-15 a day. Dont really promote it except here. Cant on FB because I'm writing anonymously.
I launched my blog on 1st Jan 2013. I had an average of 74 visits and 884 pages per day during January and hope it will increase this month. Rather than focusing on the traffic, a lot of efforts are required to make presence on the Social Network and by visiting different blogs, sincerely writing comments and appreciating other bloggers. This would certainly help in promoting the blog and eventually draw good traffic.
I also get in the 250-350 range. Not sure if a personal and fiction/poetry blog can go more than that. Guess Ranjith's advice is quite sensible.
around 500 at average
I get around 450-500 unique visitors per day and my blog is 4 months old.
The most important thing is on-site optimisation if you want to get ranked in google better.Keyword density,optimising the titles of your blog posts are some of the few factors.
And one more thing,the more you write,more the no of visitors!
Well can the page views per day be directly or indirectly related to the blog age? I have come across some non technology bloggers whose blog age < 3 months and still manage to hit 1000+ /day. My blog is 6 yrs old and still generating in the range 250 - 400 range!!
I do think that no of visits per day is directly proportional to blog age,simply because you will get ranked for greater no of posts.And can u give the name of those blogs which are getting 1000+hits/day?I would like to see their blogs.
And I think that you should focus on SEO since you are supposed to get more no of visitors.How many posts do you have by the way?
In general, page views increase with the blog age since backlinks increase and the reader base also increases.
However, in certain cases, a new blog gets a huge number of hits from google in the first few months and traffic might drop suddenly after that. This is the XXXX effect. ( Forgot what XXX is )
I would suggest that you should blog more often.I have 503 posts till now.
well , mine is a personal blog, mostly fiction work and short stories. So I don't think that there are chances .Do you?
@Ranjith -Thanks ! great tips shared
@TSW - Ranjith is right, Google keyword tool helps a lot to attract traffic other than that for a personal blog (poems /stories ), it depends on time and luck .Moreover , blogspots secure google pr less than that of the websites , So, if you want to increase traffic , a domain (not blogspot) is the first step you should take.
TSW: 'Plate' turns ten at the end of this year and I just reached the 500 post mark!! So totally get what you mean. And on average I get around 90-120 hits per day, but that's the increased number to what it was a few months ago.
In addition to all the tips mentioned here, the only other thing I can think of is just the simple thing about building relationships. Commenting on forums, and just being active :)
In order to get an idea of the number of hits the top websites get, take a look at BuyAds. Here are the page views and visitors ( monthly ) of some popular sites:
Tech Sites
- TechCrunch: 21,000,000 pageviews, 13,000,000 visitors
- Mashable: 100,000,000 pageviews, 23,000,000 visitors
Educational SItes ( Not blogs )
- : 300,000,000 pageviews, 24,000,000 visitors
- DaniWeb: 10,000,000 pageviews, 4,700,000 visitors
So, if yours is a tech blog ( or site ) or an educational blog ( or site ), you should be getting anywhere between 1-10 lakh visitors per month ( considering that those sites are maintained by a a group of people unlike most of our blogs which are run by a single person as a part time job or hobby ) , provided you have a large amount of quality content. If it is not the case, something is being done in the wrong way, probably SEO.
Now, I am not sure what is the number of page views that can be considered to be high for a personal blog!
They have a very high cost too. They have many writers, usually who have a fan following to follow wherever they write, plus its owned by a corporation/media company who have HUGE budgets for fast servers, dedicated CDN, advertisement, etc. etc. etc. What we should be looking at those who have started as a one man operation and its grown big+ they have few writers under them.
As far as I know, it's difficult for personal bloggers/writers to attract google readers like the way tech/financial/travel and other such blogs-with-a-niche manage to do. One reason could be that the audience that each targets at and works towards building is relatively quite different.
Mine is a travel blog and I recieve around 4000 pageviews/day with majority of it coming from Google. Some things that work are assigning a pin-pointed titles, giving alt tag to images, guest posting, building backlinks by sharing stuff on various websites, social media, etc. But then, honestly speaking, I never went out of my way learning and implementing SEO and stuff. Whatever little that it has been, it's been a gradual progress with learning from and observing other knowledgable and experienced bloggers out here.
I think, before getting dejected by the number of pageviews that you are recieving, it is very important to ask yourself -- why and for whom do are blog? and then work things accordingly. What I have seen is that, a professional blogger who is looking to make money is more likely to go for google juice and link building etc. while the personal ones who look for writing and creative satisfaction generally go for interaction, loyal readership and networking.
What is alt-tag, Arti? And do you do the meta tag stuff for your posts? I am seriously targeting google traffic this year by going for travel and ocassion related posts. I never did any SEO nor took a own domain. But my google page rank went to 3 by itself.
@TF Giving alt tag to images is called image search optimization helpful in Google image search. After uploading your picture in blogger, click on the picture and select properties from the various options that appear towards the bottom of the image.
Then describe your images in the alt text and title text using proper keywords in a phrase, but see to it that it is genuine and not overcrowded in a bid to get searched. And you are done.
Coming to meta Tags, I remember adding them in my blog's main template html long back. I think it's like we telling the search engines that these are my blog's keywords, so send all the people who are looking for any of these to my place. In other words, we make their job easy by inserting the meta tag in our blog. I recommend you to do it, it hardly take a few minutes.
For travel articles, what I can further suggest is inclusion of 'where I stayed and if the place is recommended' as a small footer note type thingy in the travelogue itself. It helps many prospective travellers planning a trip and makes for a great search in google. Also, always remember to upload a picture using a name instead of some numbers that the camera assigns by default.
Good luck with your targets, TF - I am sure with the kind of writing talent that you have, you will surely achieve them. Please let me know if you need any further help with this.
Hey Meghana, sure I will.
Go to Blogger -> Dashboard and simply follow the steps given in this article. After you are done with the code stuff, you can check out how your blog fares with the meta tags - here.
Its really easy and great for SEO + not a techie thing at all, so do it. Let us know how it went once you are done.
I wonder why the links are not pointing to the correct source Anyways ignore the links given above and copy paste the urls given below directly in your browser:
For adding meta tag in your blog ->
For checking performance after addition ->
Thank you Arti, i added. Everything is ok, except for "The keywords meta tag relevancy to page content is 50%." Will chk n edit it. Thanks a lot..
The keywords meta tag relevancy to page content is 50%.
I think, page content here refers to the posts currenly being displayed on your blog's homepage. Make sure to add the keywords that are relevant to your overall blog content and niche and then, there is nothing to worry. Glad you could sort this out, it was my pleasure to help..
What about these two Arti..?
This page contains too many URLs.This web page contains 223 urls. Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page. The size of the web page is to big.The size of the web page is 129691 bytes.
Sebin: I know :) But I am actually rooting for the blog, haven't done too much different on it since it started of. except maybe put a few pictures, and participate in contests. But should mission increase traffic ever fully launch off, I'm going over to your blog and ripping off your tips! thank you for your suggestion.
wah... most of u have hits so much higher than mine!! >_< if im lucky i get 15!!! hehe, but then as ranjit and others mentioned, it's a personal blog and i blog as a hobby- to relieve stress etc.. maybe 1 day i might cross the 100 hits per day mark but i'm realistic. T_T
Hello Jey, Blogs which pass under category of poems, personal feelings etc.. never gonna get much traffic. Because people search in Google for tech tips, gadgets, SEO, widgets and more (related to tech). This is because of majority of the internet users are youth. so if you're interested in tech field, change your category and you'll be able to see the traffic variations. And one more thing, fashion blogs related to beauty tips, dressing trends also earn much from online ads, I know it personally, because my cousin earns much more related to this niche.
I have actually written an article to increase traffic to your blog no matter how shitty it is. Do check it out. Its already tripled my daily inflow ;)
Hmm! I'd love to bury my head in the sand somewhere :) Hv something like 100+ hits a day after abt a year of serious blogging and 150 + posts. Personal blog, of course, and no real interest in earning money from adsense (would hv continued working - as a policy expert I was earning for writing only and far more than blog ad revenues could ever give me :) ) but who does not love getting more readers.
Btw, are hits the main criterion? My Alexa stats show abt 32% bounces and abt 8 minutes average spent on site. As far as readership goes should one see low bounce rates and time spent on site as a better indicator of good readership? I mean if I get 1000 guys a day to my blog and 999 vanish the moment they see my blog would it not be better that I have two visitors both of whom stay and read? Hits would be 1000 in one case and 2 in the other, would they not? So, for a personal blog, should hits be the main criterion or should it be seen in tandem with other stats?
