Good Writer- a good Blogger ?
Cuz I'm at peace with writing, but my bloggy skills...... !!!
Reason: Brevity
wide grin.... ' a regular person..."
As much as one loves the process of writing, the pleasure of a piece written, what a perfect circle to connect with people, readers.. get letters back. Here;s where the Net is a boon to writer that blog, or one is writing in isolation. Yet it is a task to know exactly what draws people attention. There are the things that draw a box office hit, and with writing a book for publishing, you better follow the rules. There are writers that are blogging like a diary ( me) ... a process, a journey - then you see how invaluable it is to connect. But connecting with people, getting understood, finding common topics, knowing what colours please the eye..... .. layouts, allowing search engines,,, using better Blogdomains - is blogspot better than wordpress.... black backgrounds awesome for pics, but white for words....
a piece of appreciable work today, would need a great crisp post, and smart biz sense. Thats what I was asking RIO I DID IT, HOPE YOU SEE THIS ? THANK YOU FOR AN INSPIRING CONVERSATION, ALL THE BEST...
i just read it. very awesome post. overwhelmed.
Good analysis, Two types of writers. It reminds me of the TV Serial "Office Office": Do baaten ho sakti hain.
Ranjit and TF have given a large classification for writers. In what category do you fall in?
they rise and not fall jayan,
I've not given any classification. I've just copied the types from TF and made a flowchart.
yo ranjith
Fine then Rio.
In what category do you rise from?
no category can be big enuf to encompass me bro. I am beyond them.
Ranjith - Artists : Creative & Copied. Ewwww Pirates of the Writerian
Oh surrrrrrre :) Shall do !
Oki ! Shall post... look out. :)
thanqq in advance. Will be waiting eagerly. ( only good aspects.)
like i used to climb the oceans to read etc. etc.
Rio - my next post will be dedicated to U :))) " Why did Rio stop reading books ???"
ahh, i haven't stopped reading books, just that mind has facebooked itself, but once a bookworm, always a bookworm. I read stories on blogs now.
thanks for dedicating post on me though.
Hey kidding - we all succumbed to the net... and TV. Its easier I guess... there was no way we cud have all read each other ths fast. Thrilling to see likes and ' promotes' ... thank you everyone who browses thru'...
aah, now there goes my chance to be a celebrity,
Tx Rio - . Les Miserables ? Is a thick volume in Parts. Now an Oscar nominated movie. Must ee. Tho' am sure, like always, the book 'll score more. Ive just begun it, reads good. Dates another century& struggle, but still the story of man.
Quote from Hugo : " The Great Dangers are within us.."
there was a time in my life, no thickest novels would deter me. internet has killed all.
this reminded me of Mark twain'z struggle period as writer. He was rejected by publishers all over. One publisher called him up by mistake. when enthusiastically twain went there, publisher realized he has called him mistakenly. He asked his staff to throw him outta his offic
Great story there - true talent shines thru ' ... they kept working . Amazing
e, later in life when Twain became a celebrity, they both happened to meet at a party. publisher commented " I feel myself the most prized ass in the world.
writers , keep struggling.
RIO ... I havent forgotten, just scared I'll say all the wrong things... help ! Write me a start or something...
your writing style is great, write anything, i won't mind.
I got a copy of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables ... wondering how those guys wrote like that without Comps and edits... drafts re-writes ... how did they do it !
I haven't read that. heard of it though. someday will surely read it.
Exactly..... brrrrrr shiver.... .. pirates in our Net ....
Exactly. Which is why writing in this arena can be tuff - if you 're not thinkn Biz.
very true, but one had to be cautious on plagisrism too,
sorry read had as has
Seriously ? I suppose they would think of that too.
yo, they are raking money.
A man sealed a letter in a bottle in a ship 40 years ago, in the name of his grandson, and threw it in the ocean. some days ago it was found by a man in newzealand and he searched the intended recepient to be in Australia. He was very overwhelmed to receive it.
I foresee some hundred years down the line, great grandsons will come across buried blogs, and rejoice.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... that is so rich funny, yessirrrrr
Agencies have started over net to provide after death greetengs to be sent to their kins in their name after their death.
Writers have talent, and therefore a whole team of publishers and distributors to promote their work.
With bloggers, its mostly us self-promoting on forums and social media.
Jayan Menon - yep - I guess creative writers and all want their worked viewed the best they can - if you don't Blog right, you wont be easily noticed. There is the Technical demand in all things that must reach another, and that's what can make your written word invisible.If we're blogging we must do what good Bloggees do.
Is that a word - Bloggee ( A person who blogs).
Whatever is a creative writer that blogs...? A CREEBEE
For me, as I have said sometime earlier that, blogging is just a chance to take out what I have in my mind. Its nothing more than an inspiration to writing.
When we focus on creative writing alone, from the name itself it is evident that to be a writer is more than just to be a blogger.
A blogger need not be a serious writer. But a writer must be a serious writer. He may not be a serious blogger but that does not matter if he writes through some other mediums.
If you look at it - bloggers can be of 2 kinds - writers and non writers.
Writers can be of 2 kinds - creative writers and content writers
Creative writers can be of 2 kinds - commercial writers and artists
And I will add some more for the heck of it
Artists can be of of 2 kinds - Fiction writers and Reality writers
Fiction writers can be of 2 kinds - Real Like fiction writers and Fantasy writers
Fantasy writers can be of 2 kinds - Mythological fantasy writers or Science Fiction writers
Science Fiction can be of 2 kinds - Alien encounters or Furtiristic Projection
Futiristic Projection can be of 2 kinds - Technological or Sociological
Does this give some clarity?
wow dude, nice classification
Totally. Am comforted. Deep happy sigh. Am a non tech-impulsive scribbler. Trapeezing between some fiction, some creativity, utterly non-commerce, much reality : ... its a RELIEF that there are others too, maddeningly inept maybe in the art of being ' neat and market - worthy'. One has to be readable, its worth the effort of getting some tech know-how. But whoa -look at the kinds of us on Net. Hey thanks
Your classification is too long and thin. It needs to be a bit more fat!
Nice one, Ranjith. I went on explanding only my area of interest. All other branches can similarly be expanded I guess.
nice branchout ranjith