Rakesh Holla would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://rakeshholla.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 46

Plz Review my Travel blog

Rakesh Holla
Rakesh Holla
from Udupi
12 years ago

This blog is about Trekking in India particularly in the western ghats. It documents several treks and unknown locations in karnataka

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Hi Rakesh,

Your blog is very good.  I would love to trek in wastern ghats now. The pictures are great. Your descrition of your experiences is good. What I would suggest you is to use read more tab in your posts because your posta are too lenghty, seperate your posts more clearly and if posible add details of how to reach that place,  any nearby accomodation deatils etc that would help the future trekkers.

If you find some time, please review my blog.
