Abhishek Roy would like you to review his/her blog.
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Love me or Hate me but PLZ don't ignore me!

Abhishek Roy
Abhishek Roy
from Mumbai, India
11 years ago

Hello friends, I am a näive Blogger, recently took up blogging as I found it an excellent way to express how I feel. My blog has posts which includes, photos, political posts, tech app reviews. I must admit I am a bit infrequent as I get little time,but that doesn't dampen my spirit as I love blogging. Plz visit my blog and your views are welcome. Anything more which you want me to include can also be suggested. I am sure I'll try my level best to improve the quality of the content but PLZ do know that I am NOT a pro. I recently started blogging so plz be a little kind and yes plz suggest ways to improve. With loads of love and thanks in advance for all those who take out time to visit my blog Site!

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Cochin/Ernakulam
11 years ago

Hello there, 

Your blog looks interesting. The design is very clean and the color scheme too is pleasant. What i liked the most is the captions of the pics. :)

Looking forward to see more content and more postrs from you.

Keep blogging. Take Care. 

Abhishek Roy
from Mumbai, India
11 years ago

Thank you so much friend!! Since you have been one of the firsts to review my site here on Indiblogger, I am extremely greatful to you. I'll surely try to keep up in future too!! Thanx again for dropping by. :)

Abhishek Roy
from Mumbai, India
10 years ago

Thank yo so much.. I had been terribly busy all this time. Sorrry for writing so late. My blog adress has changed. Its http://abhishek.ro as of now. I have asked the moderators to pprove my blog soon. Its pending.. Thank you for visiting!!

very creative content penned. writing niche is superb.

Sarasij Das
Sarasij Das
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Abhishek,

Unable to access your blog. Says 'domain suspended'.