P Pradeep would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://neoimaginations.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 57

Am new to this forum. Want your cooperation and help. Pls review my blog. Thank

P Pradeep
P Pradeep
from Delhi Bangalore
12 years ago

A blog to express and share my point of view on various life incidences, experiences and humor. Its based on my own creative writing and research. A place to quench my own spiritual search. Its here i find the communion.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Abhishek Roy
Abhishek Roy
from Mumbai, India
12 years ago

Hello Pradeep, visited ur blog. Read a few posts. Could really feel ur joy about being a father in your post! Congrats to u and ur wonderful wife!!! Looking forward to more posts from your side! Plz take out some time and drop in to my website for a review too!! Thank you.


P Pradeep
from Delhi Bangalore
12 years ago
Thank you Abhishek for such a warm response. I wud certainly dedicate time for ur website too.
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Hi Pradeep,

I have visited your blog. The design is good. The posts are touching. All the best for your fatherhood.

What I would suggest you is, if possible make the background of your posts white. We are seeing pictures of the post with colored background and colored text. That felt like too bright for me. And add more posts to the main page. It is currently only 2 posts per page.

All the best and keep up the good work.

If you find some time, please review my blog.


P Pradeep
P Pradeep
from Delhi Bangalore
12 years ago
Thanks a lot Janika for your valuable advice.I had earlier displayed all the posts on the main page. But it took too much of a time to load the page. And most of the good bloggers suggested me to have less of post displayed and providing links for the other posts. And i totally agree with ur suggestion on background setting. Shall adopt it.