Looking for feedback on my new blog
Hi All,
I am fairly new to indiblogger. I have started by blog only just couple of weeks back. Please take a sneak peek at http://australiacalling.com.au and let me know your feedback and comments.
If you are interested to know About me and what motivated me to start this blog, you can check the 'About Me' page on the site.
Thank you.
I could open your site on mobile easily, that gives 100 points on that but from google chrome it doesn't open on laptop. may be my laptop problem or your site config. problem, you have to checkout.
anyways, witing style is superb and I specially liked the post on dressing the indian way. really majestic. i wanted to add comment but from mobile it's little tedious on next visit you will hear from me.
Thanks Rio. Great to see your comment. I will check the compatability issues with google chrome and shall try to fix it. Thanks for the feedback on my blog. When I checked the response this mornig and saw that there were 0 replies I was a bit disappointed but your reply brought back the spirit again :) Thank you.
pleasure was all mine.
I just saw a typo in my first comment, read witing as writing. I see edit feature started after this post.