Arun Prasath would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 65

Friends! Please review my blog.

Arun Prasath
Arun Prasath
from Puducherry
12 years ago

Hi friends!

I will be very happy if you can review my blog and suggest me what change i can do for it!

Thanks in advance!

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: -
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Mohit Kumar
Mohit Kumar
from Haridwar,Delhi
12 years ago

Your blog is neat . Keep Posting. Just check the spelling at

Hi friends Iam Arun, A 1st year stude...


Mohit Kumar

Arun Prasath
from Puducherry
12 years ago

Hi Mohit, thanks for reviewing my blogSmile. I can't find any mistakes in it, If u have time please tell me where i made the spelling mistake there. 

Thank you. Smile

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

you have nice blog your blog theme is great. if you have time please review my blog at

Arun Prasath
from Puducherry
12 years ago

Thanks Hariharakumar,

I reviewed your's too, you too have a great blog! Smile