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Please review my blog on all the good news of India

Megha Ghosh
Megha Ghosh
from Kolkata
11 years ago

I started ISeeIndia because I believe that there is more good than bad happening in this world contrary to what we get to read in popular media sources. That leads us to a very skewed perception of the world around us. Also it is highly unfair that people who are actually making a difference in this world aren't getting their due credit. Thus ISeeIndia was born with the motive of highlighting all the good things happening around us and bringing forth the positive and innovative India.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6

This is really great initiative Megha. I'm really glad to see your point of view of looking things. You've gained one more reader from now on.

There is nothing much to actually review, cause you're doing great. 

What you are doing is really great. Good luck!

I have just one suggestion for you. Please include feeds in your blog. That way it would be really easy for many of us to keep a track of your latest posts. 

Megha Ghosh
Megha Ghosh
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Thanks Ritvik. Your encouragement means a lot!

Will include feeds asap.

Sarasij Das
Sarasij Das
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Very good initiative. Your blog is interesting and thought provoking. Best of Luck!

Megha Ghosh
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Thanks Sarasij! Do tell your friends and family about I See India.  

Somali K Chakrabarti
Somali K Chakrabarti
from Mumbai
10 years ago

A very positive blog and a very good initiative.

Megha Ghosh
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Thanks Somali! You can subscribe to I See India via RSS feed and email newsletters to stay updated with the good news of India.

Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
10 years ago

Your blog is very good. It's different from many others. It's also got a USP. 

Two things I notice - One, you might want to mention the source of each article/news you report. Second, blogs and new-age media need to be better/offer more than Newspapers/TV. Think about how you can enhance your content delivery - Perhaps you can write with humor or write the article like a thriller. Perhaps you can use graphics to enhance your article. Perhaps you can help/inspire readers do something similar to what is mentioned in the site...  

There are so many things that newspapers cannot do, but bloggers can. I can see you are going in the right direction, but it could be even better. All the best :)