indrani rawat would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 29

New to Indiblog, though awarded by Blogadda however would appreciate if someone

indrani rawat
indrani rawat
from London
12 years ago

My blog talks about various hapenings from and around my life ..  since i have varied interests so I end up covering various topics.Would like some comments to make further improvements to the blog.

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: cant find it in blog review section
Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Aryaansh Sood
Aryaansh Sood
from Chandigarh
11 years ago

your content is good and your own . I appreaciate your views .

I would like to recommend that you use picture template or dynamic template of blogget that would suite your content and

keep all the widgets to the side of the content.Rest is all perfect in your blog .


And there is nothing like black or white all about being good or bad


Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
10 years ago

I guess its an invite only blog, got permission error so review request should be removed now.

indrani rawat
indrani rawat
from London
8 years ago

thanks , have made it public again.. 

Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
8 years ago

After 2 years :O seriously?

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

^^ LOL! This surely made my day!












On the main site- 1 featured image. and one paragraph. If people are interested to read more, they will click on it. Or else people will scroll down. What you're doing takes a lot of time to scroll down and would discourage potential readers away.