Ramya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://pigeonslife.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 27

Hi There, I would love to get my blog reviewed. Any kind of feedback is apprecia

from Bangalore
11 years ago

This is pretty much a personal blog. I write on everything that affects me, sometimes positively or negatively. Sometimes I may sound strongly biased or pretty much crazy, but thats how I am Embarassed.

Here is my blog: http://pigeonslife.blogspot.in/

PS: I love pigeons!!!

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: forgot to add blog :)
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Himanshu Nagpal
Himanshu Nagpal
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Ramya,

I just read your post on Indian managers anc caste system and I can't stop laughing. Marvelous post and loved it. 

Keep writing.


Himanshu Nagpal | Being Traveler
