Fiction writing workshops
What: Story writing workshop.
How: Detailed plot will be given. Everyone has to tell the story using their own narrative style. Different narrative styles will be evaluated by fellow participants and judges.
Takeaway : Improvement in story telling techniques. First episode focuses on narrative style for a given plot.
Judges: TF and C Suresh for first episodes. Next episode will be judged by 3 of the top participants from this edition. They will also decide on plot and story telling technique exercise.
Where: New blogspot blog created by CS.
How to join: Add CS to Indi network and send CS an indimail requesting for the workshop e-mail id. He will give you mail id. Mail the story there.
What should e-mail contain: Short introduction of author and the entry to be mailed to e-mail id given by C.Suresh in the body of the email and not as attachment. Only words, no multimedia
Posting in personal blog - Yes. But give link to workshop blog and credit for plot to blogger who gave plot. Don't worry about page rank. The workshop blog will be disabled for crawlers.
Dates: Sep 16 - Confirm participation to receive mail id for mailing story. Plot will be up on the workshop blog
Sep 30 - Last Date to send story
Oct 15 - Results
Oct 20 - Next round to begin
Word limit - 2500 words
Final word: Judges promise atmost integrity and best judgement within their limited capability. Focus on learning than winning. Judges are human and literary judging is subjective and person dependent. So request people not to challenge when results are out. In very contest somebody has to come last.
Reason: change in date
I was thinking if scoring rationale for each participant should be shared individually or published to whole group. Similarly the scores as well. Just anounce top 6-7 and give the rest the scores in private or have everyone's scores put up in public?
announce my score and rank and all anywhere ........ i don't mind it !!!!!!!! :)
Too late, dude. Your name has already been added.
The only additional participants after the list above are
Rajrupa Gupta
Sriram R
Srijith Nair
Indolent Insomniac
TF! Could you please add all those who have expressed interest and received the email address from you.
This closes the participation list for this round.
3 through Facebook
Nimisha Shirodkar
Pallavi Subramaniam
Harshal Gupta
Also I see, Sibi is not on your list, though he mentioned on FB that he may participate. Let us keep him on the list.
Sibi has not confirmed till now TF! And he had indicated that he would finally express interest only after seeing the plot.
C.Suresh - Since he is on a tour, let us give him the benefit of doubt. Not like all these 24 will also participate. He mentioned he will try on FB after topic was announced. There definitely be atleast a 10% drop out. If no further communication from him, we can assume he is not participating.
Cool, TF! I was only indicating a doubt abt his participating not opposing the idea :)
In case anyone is waiting to receive the plot for this exercise from me, please follow the link on the top post by TF
List of Participants till now is as below. If anyone has been missed out, my apologies and request to let me know here. TF is requested to add any people who may have directly got in touch with him. If you have indicated interest here you can go ahead with your take - any time lag in getting the email address is not relevant since that needs be used only for submissions. However, please note that the participation list will close by 6 PM tomorrow - 16 Sept. - and unless you have put in your request here by then and networked with me, if necessary (if I hv failed to network back, the participation is still valid), the email for submission will not be provided. Participants requested to not reveal the email address.
Pradip Kumar Biswas
Captain Awesome
Anand Jhunjhunwala
Nabanita Dhar
Amit – The Frivolous Analyser
Sandeep Nair
Arvind Passey
Pramod Lohia
Yatin Khurana
Pooja Pradeep
Deepa Duraisamy
Infected Mind
Medha (through TF)
I have sent Indimails to all participants who have send an Indimail to me seeking the submission email address. If, by chance, I have missed out someone please send me an Indimail to me again. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Any interested person, who has not yet sent an Indimail to me - even if you have indicated your interest on this thread, is requested to send an indimail seeking the submission email address.
If anyone interested has not indicated interest on this thread and merely sought to network with me, please indicate interest here first!
I dunno whats the issue but i am unable to send IndiMail..Is it because you have not added me back on your network? I am interested and it would be great if you could send the email to me.Thanks
anand you have to add cs in your network first
He has PL but had not indicated his interest in the thread here. So i had not added him. That last sentence in my msg was for people like him
Am in
C. Suresh... I'm IN of course... but what do I do now?
check out the link given in the description of the thread...above....they have given the plot and the rules.
you will get an email id on which to send your story.
nice plot. fun begins. i am participating. just another reminder.
in seconds CS,
done dana dan dannn.
C.Suresh is out of town today. So everyone would receive the e-mail id to mail story tomorrow or the day after. I am sure people will also require that muhc time to start coming up with their stories.
Please send an indi-mail to suresh for the same. If you are not on his network, please add him and wait till tomorrow for him to add you. Then you would have to send request. And he will send you the e-mail id to which your story has to be mailed.
Its a bit complicated multi step process. But guess some complexities would be there when starting something new. Could not think of anything better.
Here is the link to the plot
So, the link is revealed in the early hours of the day. Loved the plot.
Thanks, Infected mind. Was wondering how people would receive it. Let us see how others like it. This is an idea I have been having for 3 years and stuck up on how to execute it effectively.
So, you get people to execute it rather :)
Yes. Any idea I am not able to use, at least give to the world to make better use of.
Great idea ... Count me in... And thanks for "No Voting" ...
Mmm! A possible problem. Blogspot, in its wisdom, has thought fit to suspect that this new blog is a potential spammer and has blocked it currently. I have put in for review and I am informed that it will take 'two business days'. I do not know whether this is a consequence of my choosing to keep the blog off search engines and listing on blogger.
Currently you can still go over to the blog and check out the plot after braving the warning message - once the link is put out. I am hoping that it will be unlocked in time for posting entries. We will take it as it comes.
Why not start on Wordpress. Since, its just started, there is nothing to lose
If not we can give the plot here and on FB and get started
Let us see how it goes! If the issue does not clear up we will go this time as TF says - btw, the post can still be read after you insist on proceeding to read the blog despite the warning, so no need to put it up again here. And by next time we can have a wordpress blog or something in place, in case blogger does not sort the issue out.
Yeah. I went there and copied the content to a word document.
And it may not set a good precedent to post the link of a blog, blogger has marked as spam on Indi forums.
Particularly for Indipolice, TF :) :) Let us see if iit clears up - else, we may hv to comment on resp. people's blogs and discuss either here or on FB. There is still time, however, so no need to rush for alternative solutions
CS - can you give the blog link here? I am not sure where to find it..
@All : My mind does not seem to be working very well. Thanks to IM, I realized if you guys sent me a request mail for the e-mail id, it would be far easier for me to send the email, rather than my hunting out each of you from my Network.
So, please, can I request you guys to do so? Yes, in the case of people with whom I have not accepted the network request the Indimail can be sent only after I do so.
I shall send out the email address on Saturday to all since the Common blog is linked to that email and getting the one theoretically can give you a preview of what we are refining for the plot of this time!
TF - Is it possible to update this request on the top? Maybe in fewer words?
Dear Suresh Sir and Karthik Sir,
I have added both of you to my network :)
I would also like to confirm my intent to particiapte in the event.
Look forward to Karthik Sir putting up the plot.
I do also think that the entire set of guidelines and details that TF has put up on this thread should also be the first post on that common workshop blog.
and a stick one..
I intend giving the gist there. It can be a separate post and a sticky one after we finalize the set of ground rules for all contests to come from the experience of this one.
Why haven't I got any mail yet? I am in the network of both
quoting CS..
I shall send out the email address on Saturday to all since the Common blog is linked to that email and getting the one theoretically can give you a preview of what we are refining for the plot of this time!
I am in.
I am in...
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