my website hacked second time, guidelines needed

My website mb hacked second time, after six months. It's frustrating. Any way to make it full hackproof. It's selfhosted on wordpress.
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from Mahanad
12 years ago

1, Keep Your CMS Installation Up-To-Date, WordPress tells you when there is a new version of WP available for download by placing a message at the top left corner of your Dashboard. Do it.

2. Keep Your Plugins Upgraded, WP also alerts you when your plugins need an upgrade. Plugins are updated much more often that WP itself but the process is just as simple. You’ll find a red circle with a number beside the “Plugins” tab in your Dashboard.

 3.Avoid Common Database Prefixes, 

4, Create a Custom Admin Login Name, By keeping the default ‘admin’ username, hackers have one less piece of information to uncover in order to hack into your site. By using a unique nickname that no one else knows you make it twice as hard for rogue hackers to guess your username and password.

 5, Use .HTACCESS , .htaccess is a configuration file which contains instructions for handling requests such as redirections, frequent errors, setting passwords and preventing directory browsing or the hot-linking of images from your website

6, Avoid Free Themes if you’re Unfamiliar with Basic HTML and PHP editing

7, Use Strong passwords

thanks kajal 

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