Shree Venkatram would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Please review my blog

Shree Venkatram
Shree Venkatram
from Delhi
15 years ago

Would like an indirank.

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from india
15 years ago

i think in 2 or 4 weeks new members get indi rank if you regularlry keep blogging.

your blog is good ,content is good . if you want you can change your template .

good blog

Shree Venkatram
Shree Venkatram
from Delhi
15 years ago


Thank you for making time to visit my blog. Your suggestion is appreciated.

Aravindh C.
Aravindh C.
from Trichy
15 years ago

Liked your blog....your words are strong and wise! I would have to agree on many of your posts about curtailment of free speech and so forth. You may change want to change the appearance, as it does not suit the main theme of your blog posts. Also, you may try to blog on just a little more varied topics and have some light hearted or humorous posts.

again, you are a strong and wise blogger.

from Noida
15 years ago

You have a very good blog and even better intentions... I also suggest a template change...

Keep going...

Shree Venkatram
Shree Venkatram
from Delhi
15 years ago

Grafitti, Mukund and Amol

I feel encouraged by your kind words. The forum members have given me very valuable comments. It feels good to belong to this forum. Thank you very much for the review.