Queries, Tips And Suggestions For Regional Bloggers

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Ok It's high time all of us gave the regional language (RL) based blogs, the attention that they deserve I have seen very little posts on this forum concerning their queries/ suggestions.

So this is my little effort to bring their issues to everyones attention.

OK, so here all the RL bloggers can ask queries anything pertaining to platform compatibility, trans-literation issues, content and more such issues. While anyone/everyone can come forward to answer these queries. You could also offer handy tips.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Ascending
Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Count me in too..

As Adarsha said , we need to spread the words to regional bloggers abt this initiative ..


from Bangalore
15 years ago

how about creating an FAQ list.. both for wordpress or blogspot.

I find it difficult to write the regional language , malayalam, in blogspot. But I have seen many blogs with clear and good usage of malayalam in their posts. How do they do it? Is it just hardwork to convert each and every misinterpreted letter? :|

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Great! We have two volunteers now the only things we need are queries from the needy!!!


from Mumbai
15 years ago

Thank you, Adarsh, you're right the RL bloggers need to be given a call. Anyone ready to volunteer or with a query please step up and speak up!!!


Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

I guess we need to send a 'shout out' to the regional language bloggers.  I do like Anwin's idea. Count me in as a volunteer.

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Great Idea Anwin, But where are all the regional bloggers??? Come on guys this post is for you.


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