warning message displaying in my blog

from chennai
12 years ago

containns content to distribute malware is the message displaying.


so i deleted all the post which i made recently


then also warning message is displa ying.


please help..


i checked in webmaster it shows no critical erroes.

i scanne dmy siter also it also shoes that site is clean.


what i can do now to remove the warning messag e

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Pune
12 years ago

You should not have deleted the posts, it will not help. Since yours is a blogspot hosted blog, it is unliekly that it has got virus infected. I would suggesty you to remove all the widgets and refresh the blog and keep it without any 3rd party widgets for a few days. The warning message should go away on its own. 

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Your post format has got screwed up and it is barely understandable. Please edit it.

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