The Surf Excel Matic Indiblogger Meet at Bangalore...

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

So who's going?! SmileYell


I just registered. It's been a while since Renie and team came visited the Garden City to make sure we are doing okay here InnocentWink


Meet page:

Looking forward to meeting all again. See some familiar faces already! Cheers. Laughing

Edited 12 years ago
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Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Had the time of my life in the MeetCoolLaughing.

It was awesome to catch up with all my favorite bloggers and my close friends that is TF JI, SURESH JI, FARIDA JI, Nabanita Di, Tina Di, Sibi Ji, Santosh Ji, Harsha, Vipul and so onEmbarassed....

It was also good to meet Renie, Vineet and all the Indi Team along with Surf Excel TeamLaughing.

The food was also awesomeTongue out.

The games were too coolCool. I just loved playing them, and the fun we had was also too muchLaughing. LAGORI, BALL IN THE BASKET, ANAGRAMSLaughing. Just too coolLaughing.

And ofcourse not to forget, the awesome PRESENTATIONTongue out. I missed Bean Bag and DVD PLAYERCryTongue outBut still Won too many thingsLaughing. If you want to know what I won, you will have to wait till I post everything on my blogTongue out.

Oh! BTW I just have to mention thisTongue out. I HAVE MY INDI SHIRTCoolLaughingand also 3 other Cool Shirts with meKissEmbarassed.

All in all it was awesomeCool. I loved fighting with VinayTongue outand then calling Vineet and Renie for helpCoolLaughing.

I'm still way too excited about itLaughing.

I really want to thank Farida Ji from all my heart for letting me come with youSmile. It was a real honor to sit in the same auto as the GREAT FARIDA JILaughingEmbarassed.

Ok, Last but not the leastTongue out, I loved it when I WAS GONNA GET SURF EXCEL MATIC 6 months supply for My INTRODUCTIONCoolTongue out. Though I refused itTongue out. Ahem Ahem! Transport problemTongue out.

Anyways, Had a gala timeLaughing. Will make sure not to miss a single meet from nowSmile. HATS OFF INDI TEAM & SURF EXCEL TEAMCoolLaughing. As well as all the bloggersCoolLaughing.


from Bengaluru
12 years ago

She won a 3 colorful SoakNoMore T-shirts, and a free purple Indiblogger T-shirt Tongue out


And my row won some amount of detergent coz I answered a question too Cool


There... now u dont have to wait for the post Money mouth

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Waiting for your post! Dont forget to pack it with pictures!! Sounds like real fun!
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Bad LeoYellTongue out.


SurelyLaughing. I'm waiting for the pics onlyWink.

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I missed the main pointSurprised. I was even glad to meet my ENEMY VinaySurprisedTongue outwho nearly broke my handsYellTongue out.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Tongue out I'm not that strong yaar. Only width is more. Not strength.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Get LoshtTongue out.

Santosh BS
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
12 years ago

My first Indimeet and I was pretty excited being there. Having met few bloggers before helped matters as we sure rocked as a group and inspite of being so audible the ragging of Pooja by Leo that even Renie couldn't help her... Smile

Was fun, fun and more fun and the prizes to top it up.. DVD players, beanbags, gift hampers and finally T-shirts (Purple was the color this time). Got to add lot of faces to bloggers only heard about but not seen before!

Thanks to the Indiblogger team and the Surf Excel team, we had a great time but hope the next meet is held sooner.


PS: So many registered people did not turn up and it sure made lot of other people to miss out Frown and also miss DVD players, beanbags.... etc.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

No ragging..  just hand & leg pulling Cool We used to do that often on our now peacefully resting Inditalk Innocent so was good to finally have fun together at the meet! 



Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

HeheheTongue out. Yeah Yeah not raggingWinkThats how we areTongue out. I'm really glad TF JHI didn't join in the Hand & Leg PullingTongue out.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

The vibrations of my brain molecules due to the hot unconscious was keeping me too preoccupied to pull hands and legs of princesses.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

HeheheheTongue outlolLaughing.

Vinesh Balan
Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hehe! I guess Indiblogger should arrange Home Delivery for the Gifts Tongue out

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I'll say Tongue out To carry home 8+ kilos worth of gifts in the rain was no easy task Innocent

Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Haha! For some reason, I'm glad that I did not win a Bean Bag!

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Lol! AgreeTongue out.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

And I was happy I did not win anything so that I could go unfettered to buy books at Blossoms with Suresh and the bloggers Mahesh and Anthony from Chennai. But rain played spoilsport and I had to beat the retreat and go home with one month's supply of Surf Excel and a purple colored t-shirt.

Jaideep Rao
Jaideep Rao
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

It was a wonderful evening, glad to have been there, cheers :)

Santosh BS
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
12 years ago

A small write up from me here...

All photo credits to Harsha Chittar

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Nice OneLaughing

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Great eveningit was. Nice write-up too.

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

It was a great evening, minus the guilt of leaving behind your family. My children loved the event. The event through my eyes 

Vinesh Balan
Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

There you go, here is my version of it :)

sweta tiwary
sweta tiwary
from bangalore
12 years ago

Posted my experience of the Surf excel Matic Indiblogger meet.... It was fun to attend and fun to write about it too Smile

Wish to have many such fun filled meets in future.

Vinesh Balan
Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Lets not keep this thread dead Cry

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

Don't forget to add your posts on the meet to IndiVine folks! Smile

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hvnt missed a single contest since I joined Indi, so could not escape writing this one. Else, with so many other capable bloggers writing in with more information about the bloggers who attended the meet, I'd have given this a miss.

The post is on Indivine as well. I hope I am not transgressing any rules in giving the link here - since this is a link related to the subject under discussion.

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Who got the washing machine? 

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

You mean you didn't?  :) I thought you won, Farida! No information then about it and surprising that a handful of posts is taking this long to judge!

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

LOL.. I did not get it. Will throw a party to Bangalore bloggers if I get one ;)


Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Vinesh Balan is the winner of washing machine ... Congratulations 


Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thanks Farida! And thanks many a TONN to all for the awesome day we had there :) 

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Congrats Vinesh

sweta tiwary
sweta tiwary
from bangalore
11 years ago
Congratulations Vinesh... Hope you will use surf excel matic only in your new washing machine Wink

Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thanks @Sweta and @Suresh :)

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