Adsense in Google

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
15 years ago

My adsense account has been blocked. It was never active only waiting for approval. I have never done anything that it should be blocked. Any ideas what to do next?

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Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
15 years ago

Thanks a lot to all you wonderful people.

What amazes me is that account was never active-but still waiting for approval and then it gets blocked. I don't think I have done anything to get it blocked based on the information given by you all. Let me continue to blog for a few more weeks before I get back to google.

Once again thanks a lot.

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

by the way, this month Indian Adsense users faced an issue with Cheque delivery as it was delayed by Google for few weeks and at the end they used BlueDart to compensate the delay for faster delivery !!!

Also, Google will perform a schedule maintenance in Adsense web service on 16th !!! Local Indian Time is 10:30pm.. From which web service would stay out of order for another 6 hours :).. This is second time within 30 days that Google is taking Adsense web front interface off line for maintenance work..


Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

The best you can do is to try to find out are there some obsene links / spammer's links (may be in your comments) which may force google to take that up!!! it is also possible that if one blogger has violated rules and to find that link on your website (no manual checking) can also be a problem.... just guessing

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
You need to understand why that happened in first place. If Google is able to provide a reason, you can either rectify it or confirm to them about it. And yes, google does un block the account. I had done some clicks on my own website when i just started up. That was some 6 years ago. I received a mail from Google for fraudulent clicks. I wrote back and apologized for the mischief. The activated my account back. Hope that help you.
Ravi Sagar
Ravi Sagar
from Delhi
15 years ago

No you can contact the google support guys. Write to them, they may open it again.

Once your adsense account has been disabled, it is near impossible to get it opened again. Google doesn't listen to reason.

Try Tyroo or Ads for Indians instead.

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago


I think we can contact them... Infact it has happend to me also, at my first payout Google sent me this,

Hello xxxxx,It has come to our attention that invalid clicks or impressions have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s) through users of third-party programs paid or provided with other incentives to visit your site. Such programs include, but are not limited to auto-surf, pay-to-surf, pay-to-read, or pay-to-click sites.Please bear in mind that if we continue to detect invalid clicks or impressions from these services on your ads, we may disable your account to protect our advertisers. In addition, we may adjust your future payments for any days during which invalid clicks occurred in order to properly credit advertisers for any invalid activity.We understand that you may wish to receive specific information regarding the invalid activity we observed on your account. However, due to the proprietary nature of our algorithm, we cannot disclose any details about how our monitoring technology works or what specifics we found on your account.As a reminder, any method of generating invalid clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited by our Terms and Conditions and program policies: your reference, you can find tips and guidelines for keeping your account in good standing by visiting our Help Center at,The Google AdSense Team

and the account was blocked within few hours !!!

However as pointed out by Ravi, you must write back.. In my case I wrote back, explaining my status and after cpuple of emails, I got my account back..

Then again, in my case I was sure that there was nothing wrong with my web site, I didnt do anything wrong, but as said by Hemal, if there is been some thing out of Google policy then Google wont listen !!!


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