IndiBlogger of the Month: Fake voting!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

I'm quite disappointed to say that 3-4 bloggers who had nominated themselves for the IndiBlogger of the Month have been trying to increase their own votes by deceitful means.

These bloggers have gone to the extent of submitting blogs which didn't belong to them, in order to create IndiBlogger profiles which they can use to increase their votes. Thankfully, we noticed something was wrong and we're investigating these votes. As a result, voting has been extended by another 24 hours, and the offending bloggers will have their nominations rejected.

I guess if we can have corrupt politicians, we can have corrupt bloggers as well! Frown

Replies 1 to 11 of 11 Ascending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Omg! Was wondering what he had written so much better that the blogger was getting so many votes. I found myself getting out of the top ten and did not wish to keep checking because of this. Yeah it was so discouraging. I think the blogger should be stripped of his indiblogger ranking as a first and final warning and if he is found doing any other nasty thing, then he should be exposed.

Why I didn't vote.

For each blog there are five entries. And I think there are more than a 100 blogs out there who are candidates (or more?).

Reading through these mountains of posts was just impossible for me.


Restrict entries per blog to just two.

Vipul Grover
Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
15 years ago

well this bogus voting episode was really sad.. i was keenly following the numbers on day 2 day basis nd was surprised how couple of bloggers swept away so many votes(both crossd 60 b4 i blive rennie pulled down the curtains on thm) while othrs were still in single figures.. these 'cheaters' in their passion of deceitful race evn forgot they r making thmslvs so obvious. i hop no one dares 2 repeat sch an act!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Offending entries removed - vote, people, vote! Smile

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Has everyone here voted? Let's move on and make sure a deserving blogger wins this award! Smile

Kadambari Iyer
from Chennai
15 years ago

Yup! I did.

And it's shocking to know this. I mean the process you explained actually involves so much work for the grey cells! Plus the time. What all people do!

from india
15 years ago

i already expected that this will happen ,glad that you have found it .

please let us know how much perecnt voting has been done.

if i would have not checked my spam mail i am sure i would have mised my right to vote .

i will suggest please ban those bloggers from indi blogger permanantly.

or do as sriharsha says ,i support her fully.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Percent of voting - unfortunately very, very less. Is your email on yahoo? I don't think it goes to gmail spam, at least for me.

By the way sm, Sriharsha is a "him" - I can verify that as I met him at the Bangalore blogger meet and he has a mustache. Smile

from india
15 years ago

yes renie i use yahoo mail.


from india
15 years ago

sriharsha i am extremely sorry for mistake ,

ty renie .

This is shocking.

You must expose these bloggers by making their names public. This will not only discourage them from doing this again, but also other bloggers.

Vamsi Karra
Vamsi Karra
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

seems like an impressive list of blogs that are on nominations ...

fair contest is what is needed ...

all the best the "lucky one" !

from Singapore
15 years ago

takes the whole competitive spirit away from the contest.. sad :(

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Its really sad and quite shocking, I did not expect such behaviour from Indiblogger.

Maybe Renie-You and the Team should officially warn all members that in case such activity is followed by any Indiblogger member then his/her account will be cancelled and he/she will not be allowed to take part in the forum.

May your Vigil bear the right fruits

Vinay Bavdekar
Vinay Bavdekar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

It is shocking and utterly disappointing to see this kind of activities. It is the thinking of win-at-all-costs that encourages such behaviour. People want to win but do not want to cherish the race.

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