Looking forward to your review and comments :)
Hi All!
A public health professional discovering amazing truths as I leave the comfort of big-city clinical practice, this blog is my attempt to take you on this journey with me.
An objective and subjective reflection on the state of health in our country, particularly amongst the not-so-privileged, my effort is to write, share pictures, and stories, and thus effectively draw attention to public health concerns across India.
Please connect with me and let me know how to make this platform better. I will try and evolve along the journey to make the blog more interesting and thought-provoking.Thanks and please do review!!
Reason: To improve the request's content
Your style of writing is excellent. It creates a huge impact, especially on the topics that you write. I can feel a lot of passion and life in your writing.
Try to divide all the posts into a few broad categories and try to use lables as categories, which can be displayed on the sidebar. It helps with easy navigation and it's better than the tag-cloud you have right now.
Something is slowing down your site. I guess it's the slideshow. I think by default it should be paused and people could play it if they want to.
Your efforts, and the passion for communicating them through the blog, should be appreciated. All the best.
Thank you so much for the reply!!!! It is encouraging to get appreciated :) Your comments are welcome and I will get on the job of labeling and categorizing posts right-away :)
Hope that you'll continue to read and thanks again for your efforts!
Hi I have viewed you blog, you writing style is good. My suggestions would be on the display, because the images and widgets are not aligned properly which make poor visibility of posts. Customize those stuffs to fit into the screen. Color and background image of the blog can also be changed to suit your travelling experience.
Thanks so much! I think the main concern is the display as I have got the same review from another fellow blogger and I will try to get that sorted out ASAP. Hope to see you as a regular reader.
Thanks a ton!
I liked the basic message that you provide through your blog. Loved it all except the fact that your blog takes a lot of time to load and as far as I know, many a people just close a tab if it takes to much of time to load. Please try and improve on that. You can use this link to measure the speed of your home page. http://www.iwebtool.com/speed_test
One last thing. You are a beautiful lady and supremely talented of course.
Thanks Irshad :) Much gratitude for the kind words :):)
Thanks everybody for taking out the time! Please check out the new improved look at http://drhimangibhardwaj.blogspot.in/
Hi again! Thanks for all your comments, reviews. They have been an immense help! :) Hope that you will take a look at some changes made and enjoy the writing!!!!! Thanks again :) http://drhimangibhardwaj.blogspot.in/