Please review The Mouse Trap - a psychology/ neuroscince blog
please review my blog . the link is
thanks and regards,
Sandeep G
I don't think I am qualified enough to review this blog. :-)
I am sure you and others are well-qualified. Please note the change in URL. the mousetrap is now available on
Wow. Very deep stuff. The first post that I read, 'The downside of cognitive enhancement', reminded me about an article I read somewhere about the dynamics of Cognition, and its dependence/relation/contrast to Metacognition. For some reason, I kep thinking about Schrodinger's Cat and Pavlog's Dog all the while when i was reading it. Uncontrolled memory lapse I guess. I really like the blog design, simplistic and pleasing to the eye. I really like your reference to articles and yor approach to them. I'm not a psychology student, nor am I neuroscientifically inclined(hope I framed that right) towards the science governing the human mind, but yes, I do enjoy good brain food, if you get what I mean hehe... Finally, I wanted to follow your blog, but I couldn't find out how to.. I mean, the RSS feeds were ok and all, but I wanted to add you to my blogger account, and not to my iGoogle page, since I don't use a personlized Google page. Any clarification on that topic would be really appreciated.
Also, since I have had a brief tryst with music, my natural inclination, after reading the first few posts was to wander into the posts labeled 'music'. I must admit that your posts on dissociation between rule-crunching and memory-retrieval systems, and the note mentioning in-key, out-of-key and control notes was brilliant, quite a refreshing read. However, I disagree with your summary at the end of that post, maybe because as a musician I look at melody and harmony differently. To me, melody refers to sequence of single notes, like an arpeggio or a legato, while harmony would indicate a combination of notes played simultaneously, like in a chord. So if in that sense you were to call women better at memory based things, would that not make women more harmonic than melodic. I'm not sure if my ideology and perspective match your, and that's alright, thats the whole point. If your point of view differs from mine, I would very much like it if you could share your opinion and perpective on this, because I'm pretty sure we're going about this from two different ways, I looked at it musically and you, well, psycologically.
I might be wrong. But that doesn't happen often. But when it does happen, I particularly enjoy it for one major reason...
More brain food.
Hope to see you on my blog too ( ). Not as verbose as yours, but will be worth the time. A few pointers/criticism would be well appreciated. And finally, I would like to mention that i wrote this post with a very sleepy head, so I apologize for any errors that might have crept in.
Cheers and regards,
Faiz Shariff
**Pavlov's dog
Hi Faiz,
I am glad you liked the mouse trap. I'll visit and comment on you blog at leisure (and it will be my pleasure). This is a quick note to let you know that you can add the blog to blogger followed blogs list by URL. Just click the ADD button below the followed bl.ogs list and then enter and you are done.
Also the (wikio or feedburner) subscribe buttons provide an easy way to subscribe to feeds - if you don't use iGoogle, but use Google reader , then too chose Google in the options. If you are on twitter you can also foloow me there (@sandygautam)
Also regarding your music post, I guess you have some good points there (and you being a musician are more qualified to analyze the same); I would appreciate if you would comment on the mouse trap blog itself and we can have a conversation there which might benefit the other readers of the mouse trap too.
Sandeep G