On Blogging and Getting Followers

Veena Srinath
Veena Srinath
from Bangalore
12 years ago

It has been said time and time again that you shouldn't be blogging if you're just in it for the followers/publicity but having followers is a pretty important part of having a successful blog. So our question is, other than by producing great, regular content, what do you think is the best way to gain new followers? Is it just commenting, or social media platforms like facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc.? Tell us what has worked for you or what hasn't. As an up and coming business, we're curious to know how other bloggers go about the process of promoting their blog - which platform have you found most usefull for generating visitors to your website/blog?

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Removing links
Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Ascending
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I seriously don't know.I haven't unlocked the secret yet.:-P It's been 10 months since I have started blogging and I have 129 followers. But not even 10% of them read my stuff or comment on them.:-D So frankly speaking,I don't know. But Deepak Kartik seems to be giving some sound advice in this regard here. Follow others indiscriminately,comment on their posts indiscriminately,and chances are a portion of them will do the same for your blog!Cheers!!!:-D

Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
12 years ago

Quality content is the single most important factor in getting mass following. Concentrate on content and then worry about other things later. You need to interect with others to get followers, respond to each and every comment, etc. 

Abhsihek Boinapalli
Abhsihek Boinapalli
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

yeah .. following others worked!!

Joining competitions also worked in my case!!


Who knows what may work for whom??



Abhsihek Boinapalli
Abhsihek Boinapalli
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

yeah .. following others worked!!

Joining competitions also worked in my case!!


Who knows what may work for whom??



from Mumbai
12 years ago
Please remove the links or your thread will be deleted. Its not allowed to post links on the forum.
from Chennai
12 years ago

If your blog is good you will have followers :) BTW, this is not the place to promote your blogs... YellUndecided

Rajrupa Gupta
Rajrupa Gupta
from Kolkata, India
12 years ago

True. If you want to earn respect, your quality has to be good. Of course. But also you will need to learn about appreciating quality stuff from others as well.


Profound question but i have the same answer...

Only way to get followers is follow others, when you follow me, i ll be buzzed to know about you and your blog.As a reciprocal i may follow you...It is funny When we stand like a Stupa but expect people to follow us...Other than all, we must write quality stuffs and it must be interesting and should not bore the reader and a clean layout also plays a role.

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