Locked Can i add following in indivine?

Binu Mathew
Binu Mathew
from Kottayam
12 years ago
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Binu Mathew
Binu Mathew
from Kottayam
12 years ago

@Leo and @ranjith : this is my blog, i applied for addition of the site, when i check at indivine, i saw only general article in there.thats why i asked 

You can add this only after your blog gets approved.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

+1 to Ritvik

from hyderabad
12 years ago

IndiVine is meant to share posts which you have posted in your blog. It appears that the link given by you is not of your blog, or isn't registered. If you have found something interesting which you would like to share, just create  a new topic and instead of just stating the link and asking us to check it out, provide a base for discussion by choosing a topic around which you would want the discussion to revolve around and ask a few questions on the same topic.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

not unless its from your blog, no.



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