Website or a Blog

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Having been interested in the creation of a website for Java since a few months, I had searched for blogs with the keyword Java, programming and others in the IndiDirectory. The result did surprise me. There were many blogs listed out there which were actually websites and not blogs. Though the separating line between the two is negligible, it still can't be ignored for the sake of simplyfying things. I am sure that a few of you might be having blogs which can more aptly be called websites rather than blogs. And here are a few questions for every one of you to give your opinion:

For the creators of pseudo blogs

What made you present contents in the form of a blog rather than a website? If technical ease is the reason that would be stated by you, isn't a programmer expected to have enough expertise in website building using simple HTML and CSS?

For others

What would you choose: a blog or a website if you wish to provide evergreen content that is relavant for all times? Also state reasons to justify your stand.

For IndiBlogger

Would the name Wordpress or Blogger present on a page which is a collection of sample programs, tutorials and sample codes  justify the inclusion of a website in the directory of blogs?

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
12 years ago

As far as I understand it, all web pages are wesbites. Websites can be classified into blogs, static sites. dynamic sites, commerse, shops, flash, personal, photo sharing, community, forums and so on. 

from Delhi
12 years ago

First of all, weblogs are a 'type of' website.

Secondly, weblogs term in its infancy was used to recognize any of the websites that had timestamp associated with the content. Even if the content wasn't regulated early, but time of writing that article was necessary to understand the content it had. Actually blog is merely a qualitative term. Like saying a movie is horror. That doesn't mean it can't be action or thriller. Blog is a loose term.

Thirdly, in modern tech scenario there is no difference in the way google or other sites (and peoplesearching for info) treat blogs and non-blogs. And yeah, google DOES treat blogs as websites first. You run a search, your blog will be a part of the results of all types of websites.

Diwakar Narayan
from Pune
12 years ago

Thanks for this great explanation Kang!

from Kolkata
12 years ago

Ranjith, well its pretty simple for me.. I never liked the conventional 2 column boring blogger platforms, and moreover it never used to provide much navigational ascpects through the site. So I thought, why not a self hosted blog, where I can be the king. Though my limited knowledge of html is a hindrance at times, I manage most of the times, either from the built in plugins or a little of code from the net.

Major reasons why i moved into a self hosted blog are -

  •  It looked more professional.
  •  It gave me freedom to customizations.
  •  I wanted to take on blogging a bit more seriously than my college days.
  •  Finally the prospect to diversify and add sections/services.


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