Regarding Posts From My Network
At a time I am able to see only one page of posts under 'Posts From My Network'. There seems to be no pagination.
So, posts that I have not yet read sometimes dont get displayed as new ones come up.
Any way to see across multiple pages? Anywhere to set the no of posts to be shown?
However, for the time-being, pagination is active for the first 100 posts only. (While we monitor performance)
Now that voting has been throttled, can we (gently :) ) re-iterate the request for pagination of 'Posts from my Network"?
I would love to be in front of indiblogger all day long but some other responsibilities wont permit to. With close to 200 people in the network , the 'Pages From My Network' gets new entries almost every half an hour and the unread ones get lost in the list. Please...Please....add the pagination :( :( :(
I think its getting forgotten in the excitement of other happenings at Indi.. :) Renie, A gentle reminder again :) (3rd one so far :) )
We'll add the pagination in a week or two - thanks for pointing that out!
Was it really two weeks or a typo? I think that it shouldn't be taking so long...
Hi Renie
A gentle reminder again for the Pagination....If I dont read an entry in my network within a few hours after it gets posted then it soon gets replaced with other entries...Unless it makes it to the most popular list, its tough to track it....So Please add a few pages there ....
Pagination please..
Hi Renie
Gentle reminder on this pagination to be added.
Wait, is this related to the "Posts from my network" in the Dashboard area?
I can still see only 20 posts, and no pagination!
Oh.. People started saying "Thank You", I thought it was already done.
I dont if this is the right place to say it, but also the Dashboard is a little clumsy, dont you think?
I mean if we have two tabs, one for the topics you have follwed and other for people voted your posts or added you to networks?
Thanks a lot! Appreciate the action taken :)
We'll add the pagination in a week or two - thanks for pointing that out!
About the same bloggers always being on top of IndiVine, we're aware of the problem, and we're looking into finding a long term solution!
Superb Renie. I'm more happy with the second part: about the same bloggers being on top
Is this about same bloggers on top of IndiVine? Can something really be done for that? I mean, it was based on the number of promotions, right?
Yeah, its based on that. But the question is why the same people get those many promtions? Why not others?
This can have two reasons.
- People genuinly like just one person's post everytime.
- You promote me, I'll promote yours. One with the greatest network, gets to the top!
What can IB do in this?
When we click on Indivine , we have Submit A Post, My Posts and Posts From My Network. My Posts has pagination but not Posts From My Network. This is the one I am referring to. If not an indefinite one, we could have at least 15 pages or so that we dont lose the ones posted by the bloggers in our network.
strongly agree that this is a needed feature. initially when i would have been away from indivine for a while, i used to have to individually look up my favorite indibloggers and cathc up. i got around this by using rss reader subscriptions to get around this. but then there are some blogs that are very frequently updated and some that aren't, and some that are of high interest to me, and some that aren't, so having my entire indiblogger network on my reader is also not a great idea. this would help a lot.
Yes, I was also thinking about that. I am also missing many posts as new posts come.
Good question..
Perhaps it's the part of the next improvement of Indi :)
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