Gireesh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 58

Review my blog and say if I should take Blogging as my career or should I let it

from Chennai
12 years ago

Hey there! I am Gireesh Sundaram, 21 years old blogger from Chennai. I started freelance blogging back in June 2009 and then after wasting around 2 years in untargeted blogging, I decided that I should do some good for the world and started CBT.


Coming to CBT, it stands for Core Blogging Techniques, where I give away tips and tricks, templates, tutorials. I decided that this blog should be purely informative and educative, so for now I have put no ads on the blog.


Now, what I want you to do is, kindly take a look at my blog and tell me if you find the blog informative truly. Because I have no job left now and I am keenly interested as taking Blogging as my carrier. It all depends on your review. There is no essential need to flatter me by saying the blog looks well.

I might as well review your blog back and will comment on how to improve your blog.

And also after visiting my blog if a thought  strikes your brain that following my page also one among the hundreds of page you follow will cause you no harm, do follow me!


I apologize to wordpress bloggers as I am targeting only on blogspot bloggers now. You will also soon see me posting for you.


And for every new reply I get I will review back a blog from from forum with zero replies. So you reviewing on my blog will help a professional review on some amature's blog.


Yours bloggingly,

Gireesh Sundaram

(Facebook - Twitter - Google plus)

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Added a new paragraph in topic
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Akanksha Pandey
Akanksha Pandey
from Trivandrum
12 years ago

Hey there,

I think the blog definitely is informative. For a serious blogger or even an amateur one, it provides a lot of basic information, which is good. I believe the traffic is well and I would suggest you put on a few ads. However if you're very particular that you don't want to then do refrain from the same.

And yes, you could add a few testimonials maybe, from frequent users or ones that have benefitted from your site, you know for publicity maybe!

Overall, I think the navigability is pretty good too, hence I would think its a good idea for you to take this up seriously in your life because from the point of view of a regular user of the same, I'd think it would be a shame if the posting came to a standstill :)

So, Good luck for the future!


Akanksha :)

from Chennai
12 years ago

Thanks Akanksha Pandey!

Adding testimonals was a good idea that i dint think about.

Happy Blogging!!

from Chennai
12 years ago

your blog is very helpful to fellow bloggers...thanks for the tips and tricks

from Chennai
12 years ago

Thank you Nanl!

I hope to see you as my subcriber ! Do subscribe to my posts for more useful tips in the comming months

Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
12 years ago

Your blog is good. While you do give useful info, try to do certain things that would make your site unique. I suggest specializing your blog for blogger tips as there are a few blogs like that, but a million+ wordpress tips blogs are there on the net.

I suggest that you keep your popular/suggested posts on the top and generic archives below.

If your domain name is coreblogging, don't call yourself CBT. That extra 'T' confuses people. Can't it be CB? I mean, it will be simpler to locate and recollect your domain name, which is very important.

You'll have to take a second look at the limited comments system you have. Why not go with a more generic system like discus, etc? You can even use the comments system in blogger itself as its quite ok. In your niche, comments and responses are very important.

I liked your style of presenting. The CSS hack for creating hover effect, was explained in a simple way. Continue with that simplicity and easy-to-understand methodology.

I am not sure why you are not categorizing your posts? You have links to static pages on the pages-bar, but you should also categorize all posts into certain number of categories and display it below the header image. That would be useful when you have a lot of posts.

A small triviva, you write that one should have a favicon but you don't have one! :)

from Chennai
12 years ago

@Destination infinity: Thakns a lot for your review. That is the most wonderful review I have had till now.

First about the favvIcon, it is not working properly. I am trying to fix it. Will di it soon

I even had thoughts about naming the blog CB. But my facebook and twitter pages were created wen i had a domain under blogger. I will change it soon

Thank you once again for your review