guest posts needed, on marriage blisses, experiences, expectations , anything on
hi friends, my marriagebook site is reborn, courtsey my old indi friend rohan.
Now, I look ahead for contribution posts friends. I am miser so no gifts. no prizes. the prize is inner satisfaction guaranteed and who knows luck has what in store.
so, start the site hunt as i am not giving any links here. and just put up a great post.
Reason: correction.
Hail PL ji.....
Sorry for late reply, but itne din se track karne ke baad muje aapka concept samjh me aaya. Will join you soon after my exam completes. Is it okay sir ji??
Hey PL, pLease check my blog and let me know if i can contribute :) Can i submit my blogposts ?
simple can be how much simple, I have a contribute page at site where simply write and click post tab yourself and voila, post is on the site. posting a guest post was never that easy friends.
pitch in before it gets overcrowded. .All plans set, to bring it on hard copy
Would love to write, can I?
Btw, how do I provide you my posts?
jayashree , thanks tonns,it's simple, register free on site and contribute. I have made a simple contribute page too, where you can simply write your heart out and click post tab. and upload pic too. it's very easy.
brilliant I will write something in my usual way and send it you by weekend .. I am super excited :)
i am waiting, thanks tonns
is there a deadline ??? and anything particular you have on your mind ???
no deadlines, and no restrictions, any thing . I saw your blog. really superb hilarius knack of writing.
Pramod ji - can i write for you ?? I would love to write on my marriage .. :)
welcome , I am flying high now, thanks tonns,
For sending an indimail, a mutual connection is required.
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you are right captain, just added, and indimail sent.
how i send indimails? you'r in my network...but indi cant seem to find you when i type ur name in the recipient list.
Nice .. one pramod. i really like the forum you have added.. btw are love stories elligible? :-)
thanks sauvik, yo, love stories, too are eligible, because these are ingredients of good marriage only.
waiting for the baaraati's
added forum and chat to my marriagebook. friends can have a peek
I am new to indiblogger, whats this? a Hara Kiri site?
parwati ji, it's a married samurai's garden of eden. no hara kiri here.
Hello Pramod good to see your marriage book site is back in action Good luck this time
thanks umesh ji, roll on some posts.
no takers yet,