Internet is fun with Vodafone!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

The Zoozoos are here with an IndiBlogger contest!

And no, Vodafone is not giving away wrinkly little pugs as prizes - instead, you can win a MacBook Pro, Sony Playstations, Sennheiser headphones, Zoozoo bean bags and tickets to the IPL finals with travel included!

Since the IPL finals are around the corner, this contest closes relatively soon. Let us know if you have any questions, and good luck! Smile

Replies 41 to 60 of 176 Descending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

And my sixth submission for this contest. Waiting for the posts to all open up. One more hour to go.

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

hmmm....m yet to start the first (and only one), untill I post that...wont be reading your entries :D just to avoid any alignment with your ideas....

And, to kill the anxiety of reading your submissions soon...have to write mine soon ;) 

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

No way you would align with my ideas even in your dreams, dude. By now you know pretty well what I write.

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

ha ha ha! For sure Sir LaughingWink

Someone is Special
Someone is Special
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I'm done with my post.. Seeing the response I'm on Seventh Heaven already.. Thanks to all those who encouraged me.. I would also like to thank IndiBlogger and Vodafone for the contest otherwise I don't think I would've written a post of this type! Thank you all..

Sandeep Biswas
Sandeep Biswas
from Bangalore
12 years ago

In news: Vodafone has to pay huge tax ! Probably they're not giving away any prizes this time Laughing

Sriram Raj
Sriram Raj
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Vodafone and fun. The best coincedence. I remember the jojoo's and the new game  ad's in between IPL games. I loved to write my experiences and as always another contest successfully participated :)

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

But, I seriously dont like these new Games and streaming ads of Vodafone...they not only lack the charm but are highly interpretive....

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

At last the window shutters are open and I am done with my 7th entry. I will put them into the contest gradually though. 3 of them already in - 4 more to go and 7 more to be written.

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

s-e-v-e-n entries? That's awesome!! I haven't even stired out of my lethargy!

Mera post kab poora hoga?

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

same here Arvind ji, I guess we can together right a PowerCode series for ProcrastinationTongue out

from Raleigh
12 years ago there is a chance ;)

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

wow! 9more days to go...and 80 entries already have been submitted! Macs have done thr job ;)

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

SurprisedSomeone give some IDEAS pleaseUndecided

from Jaipur
12 years ago

An "idea" is all everyone here needs :P

(It's "vodafone" but still we need "idea" - strange :P )

from kolkata
12 years ago
wow...quite a collection of post....hmmm nice ones....had a glimpse weekend looks tight reading thru these posts... got to read mine too once again.. Buddies mind sharing your thought on my solitary post for the contest.. :-).
from Chennai
12 years ago

Done with my post for this contest . . . I'm happy to be part of this blogging community :) Laughing

from San Francisco
12 years ago

My first submission for Indiblogger contest. Feeling happy for my participation. My quench for thirst in not MAC ,not for Play Station or not for speakers.I will be happy atleast if I get Bean bag..:) :)...

By the way best of luck to everybody.............

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Best of luck, diamond. I will happy even if I don't get bean bag but 10 readers read my Singer series completely end to end.

great take vajra, best wishes.

from San Francisco
12 years ago

Thank You @ TF....Your soul already started getting happier as you are getting readers more and more for your posts....:) :)

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Wish there were more readers though, Vajra. Comments have slowly begun to dry out since the story started. Anyways my eighth entry is up.

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

Submitted my entry too...have tried to see more than the Fun part associated with Internet and also tried to associate with another soul-searching ride....Finally! :D

will see today punit, best of luck.

Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

Thank you Pramod ji...m yet to start reading other entries, busy in office these days and also reading TheFool's saga...

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

Wow! This contest has already crossed 100entries barrier! So much to read....

This topic is so familiar to all, that I expect the number to go even further. And that too in a span of such a short time. Smile

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
12 years ago

If I am correct then the result for this contest will be declared soon (very soon);keeping IPL finals in view. What say Renie?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am actually hoping for a delay in deadline. I still have 6 entries to post and only 7 more days to go.

A post a day.. Wow!! Laughing

I haven't even started reading your series Surprised. Tommorow, an important exam gets over, First thing after that, Go to Lucifer House Inc, and Read. Smile

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Do check it out, Ritz. I beleive you are one of the friends on Indi who hasn't checked it out yet.

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
12 years ago

Exams are on and I am already not blogging but will do so for a Mac :) . I want to write more than one post but I think, I will have to focus on one only and I'll try and make sure it is BEST. Haven't started though.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

My nineth entry for the contest is up. One more to go to hit dounle figures.

from San Francisco
12 years ago

Thanks everybody for reading and encouraging..Gud luck everyone...:) :)

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Finally hit double figures. Completed my tenth post for the contest. Just 4 more to go. 5 days - 4 posts - A race against time.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

It is me again. 11 th post done. 3 more to go. Count down begins.

best wishes dude. great great posts coming out. kudos. keep the pace. 

Ekta Khetan
Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Phew! Finally wrote and submitted my post much before time. Feel so good about it! Yeah!


I hope, the way I liked my post and wrote with passion, others too would like it. :)

Thank you Indiblogger & Voda for bringing my best :)

Aditya Bhasin
Aditya Bhasin
from Delhi
12 years ago

Done.Posted.Exited.Happy.Had a great time writing.


Thanks IB and Vodaone for this oppurtunity. I really enjoyed writing.

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