Locked Tracking responses on comments on blogspot!

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

So wordpress always gives you an option of following or tracking responses to comments by checking a checkbox. Anyone know of such options in blogspot? Sometimes, the option does come up when the comments are moderated, but not otherwise. 

I like to go back and read more comments or see what the author has responded, but you got to remember what and where you commented then!

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I have a similar problem. I noticed when I initially used the "embedded" comment system on blogspot, there wasn't any option for tracking, and my readers couldn't know when I had replied to them. Recently, I noticed that while using the "pop-up" comment system, there is an option to "E-mail follow up comments", which actually helps in tracking the comments. So, for the time being, I am using the "pop-up" system, but I had always liked the "embedded" system. I just hope they do a similar thing in the "embedded" system too.

Ankit Chugh
Ankit Chugh
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Near the blogger comment box, you'll see a hyperlink of Subscribe via email. Just click that hyperlink once after commenting on blog. You will get subscribed to comments for that post only. Just make sure your replying using google account only.

Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Awesome, thanks! Dumb me! Duh!

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