Awesome Blogger Award - By continuing the chain - Do you take part?
This is probably going to sound a little skeptical or arrogant, but I assure you I am just plain curious. I was recently 'nominated' for the Awesome blogger award by a dear fellow blogger (Extremely sweet of her, that she felt my blog was deserving!). In order to claim the award I have to list 7 things about myself and then nominate 15 more. I am just curious to see how many of you do these?
Firstly, does that make it an award. Isn't it like a deal in the mall instead?
Secondly, where does that even take into consideration your blog contents? All my life, I have stayed away from chain mails and forwards that state 'If you dont send this to 25 people in the next hour woe will descend upon you!' stuff.
Its definitely fun and you get to open out a lot of other blogs too, but somewhere I feel like I am cheating. I am not doing anything that warrants an award.
I don't know. I am just confused. Wanted to hear your thoughts on it.
Well...I used to. Not anymore. I have a separate page on my blog, the 'Blogroll'. That is where you will find the blogs that I really, truly love reading, which have inspired me (some more than the others, but that always happens :P) and touched my life in some way. And I always read their new posts. Actually, writing the whole award post became a hassle. I mean, there are only so many blogs which I feel REALLY deserve the said award. And I have already given it to them. So... :)
Very true. Same thoughts here. I simply went and awarded certain very specific, thought over awards to three people who I thought really deserved it - blogs I had become a fan of. But that's it. No pre-requisites no conditions. Genuine appreciation, thats all. And I too have a Blog Library which is a list of blogs I like to read! Totally understand the hassle part! Thanks!
@Deepa - Just make an image for the award badge. Write a post on your blog giving links of the bloggers and writing why you appreciate these bloggers, then put a comment on their blogs telling them you have given them an award.
Cool, thank you! Will do that!
I also agree with captain. I appreciate awards and accept them gratefully. But break the chain. I have posted my views in detail on these two posts.
IndiMods report here. TF JHI gave links
I agree so much with what you have mentioned in both your posts. Yes, I am definitely grateful that someone thought my blog deserved an award but you're right. I'll pick winning hearts over awards anyday. Not to mean that I don't want awards. If I really deserve them, then sure, would love to, would be an honour, but not with conditions around the chain nominations.
I was sure princess would reply. Btw, let me post the rule regarding links from Indi FAQ. The below is the rule with respect to links.
Sure, you can promote your blog - but ensure that your promotion is relevant. Posting a topic about your blog or your latest blog post (no matter how brilliant it is) is frowned upon by the community. However, if you have blogged about something relevant that can add value to an existing topic, then by all means - post a link to your blog post! You may only post a fresh topic about your blog in the "Review my Blog" category.
Hahahaha!! I know I knowI have read it
. But still there is nothing better than calling INDIMODS and shouting SELF-PROMOTION
. I just love it
TF, even I was sure and I knew since it is as per rules, I was watching silently
Thought I will clarify on the rules just in case some newbie thinks I am getting away with impunity violating the rules just because I am an old hand out here and pally with the mods.
And it also saved s (IndiPolice). People might have thought we are being biased (which we never are). I remember deleting theread of a very old and senior IndiMember
Completely dumb question to the group then. I want to gift a couple of awards to a couply of truly deserving candidates. No conditional stuff like tagging 15 people. No tit for tat expected either. Just genuine appreciation. How do I do that? I have no idea how to award someone? I zeroed in on a couple of blogger award pics but what next?
These awards. Hmm. To be frank I love them.
Its just a way of letting some of your favorite blogger know that they are amazing and that their blog rocks. Even if your blog is tag-free people like it when they get such awards
. It makes them feel noted and also that someone actually reads their blog and not just comment random stuff
Hey, but isnt it one thing to nominate your blog for the actual content than for completing a set of conditions to go claim the award?
You don't have to go through the conditions. Ditch them if you want
. Just APPRECIATE the people who really deserve it
That sounds like a novel idea! I'll do that, thanks Pooja :)
Hahahaha. My Pleasure
One last thing. I was going through your blog - the Awesome Blogger award. The pic says edited by Ajay. How does he add it into your blog? And also, how do you tag people? (You do mean link them right?)
Oh he didn't. I added it as a CAPTION
. He actually edited it and I thought he deserves to take the credit
. Yeah, I just linked them