Anjee Bhatia would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback on my blog

Anjee Bhatia
Anjee Bhatia
from Mumbai
12 years ago

My blog is about learning how to live. It is about how easy and at the same time how tough being  yourself is. Writing, for me is not just a passion: it is who I am. 


I mostly write for myself, without pretentions but it does feel good if I am appreciated. Would like to know what readers think of my blog.


Thanking you,

Anjee Bhatia

Replies 1 to 3 of 3

Hilarious!! I even commented in your post.

My suggestions:

  • Background conflicts with your blog font.
  • Please keep an email subscription option for non blogspot users. I for one would like one!
  • Please do keep up the wonderful writing! Never quit blogging!



Anjee Bhatia
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks for your comment on my blog! :D

And thanks for the suggestions too. I will add the email subsription option as soon as a figure out how to :P And yes the background too, even I want to change it. Need a good pciture for the background. 

I went through your blog and loved "feels good to be back" and the "back benchers and mobile internet." It's great to find bloggers who make sense :)

Anjee Bhatia
Anjee Bhatia
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Indolent thanks for the link! 

Indrajit Moitra
Indrajit Moitra
from Jalpaiguri
11 years ago

Hi, This is Indra, Lovd ur writing style but most importantly luvd ur attitude gal..Cool Keep it up;Do reply would luv to interact wid u and do visit my blog Junkyard of Thoughts.Junkyard and Craps... like minds indeed, eh!...