N.Velmurugan would like you to review his/her blog.
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Expecting your review to correct myself

from tirupur
12 years ago

This  blog is a virgin blog by me. It carries the posts carrying the day to day happenings and views of a average middle class family man; none other than myself.

I won't set myself hurt with your comments but with silence

expecting your valuable reviews

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from tirupur
12 years ago

First of all, I thank you very much for the time spent by you to review my request. And thank you for the corrections suggested. In particular- the grammar mistakes.

It was my first thought to display the day to day happenings of a common man in the current situation. It is an attempt to register the happenings and observations in a real time rather than to post in a regular, traditional way.

And as you said, will visit your blog soon and register my observations

thank you once again.