Locked Old posts on Indivine

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Just curious, do people submit some relatively old posts on Indivine or only those that they have posted since joining Indiblogger?

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Oh, they are my posts alright. I just thought I read somewhere that posts have to be new or something. But then I went back and looked and couldnt find it. Hence this question. I dont know! Just read too much into it or thought too much I guess. I do that sometimes Smile especially where its not needed!

Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
12 years ago

Mostly new posts, mostly coz I feel I have submitted one or may be two old posts sometime back...otherwise I always submit new posts...publish date and submission to Indiblogger may vary though...

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thank you for the clarification folks!!! I was hoping that I could open up two of my old posts which I had liked but wasn't sure if that would be unethical. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Why would that be unethical?

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

How is it "unethical" unless its not your work? Old or not, its your blog and its your writeup- so what's up with that, eh?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

That is exactly what I do, majority of my posts in Indivine are from my archives. I am lagging way behind in coordinating between latest posts from my blog and the latest posts on IndiVine. But, I guess it hardly matters, at least in my case.

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

When I first joined Indiblogger, I had only 4-5 posts in my blogSurprisedso I put them all on Indivine then onlyLaughingSo all my OLD & NEW posts are hereSmile

from Pune
12 years ago

The number of posts I have in my blog is higher that the ones in Indivine by a great 20-30. Seems either I have forgotten to post many or they were from an earlier era. 

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I like to post new ones only, though I have close to 20-30 old ones from before my Indi days. For contests and prompts also even if old post is allowed, I like to put only new one.  

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