Blogspot users! help me please

somesh mahanty
somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

I have a lot of friends on indiblogger who are on blogspot. I visit them often, But i am unable to comment. Till now, I am unable to pass the capcha test in those, where two words are shown in the capcha. I have tried all combinations. But due to some hideous reason, I havent been able to. Cry

Any help is highly appreciated

thanx in advance

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somesh , the link you gave, my comment passed. you click on captcha refresh button three four times, readable words come up.

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

Hmm.. I wasnt patient enough to try till then. Smile

so do we see happy ending to it.

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

Your inability to leave a comment on a blog may be the result of the blogger, not you. I follow a blog, and wanted to comment on one of his posts. After going through several steps, I found out that I was unable to leave a comment because I was not a "Team Member".

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

So, do u think I should ask the bloggers to remove the capcha?

i see double captcha contains one capital letter atleast, with small letters, be cautius with the capital and small letters, it will passs, 

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

Right! I hadnt thought of that! I am gonna try it

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Sorry to hear abt that Somesh, I havent had any issues with captcha but I must say the new codes are a real pain. Once your problem gets sorted out, do tell your blogger friends to remove the captcha codes, many bloggers will bless you for it.. Smile

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

U see, I am not some computer geek.. So there might be something I cant see.  I just hope I am not the only one with this problem Tongue out

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I think all the above Bloggers were INDIFOOLED.

no ds, who can fool a fool,

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

I wish i could say that.

from Ajmer
12 years ago

I had a similar problem earlier. There is a box asking you to choos your profile. When I chose my google account profile, it would accept the comment. Try it! may work for you too. Good luck!

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

I tried that too. It works sometimes. Not everytime

somesh , try my blogspot site, it doesn't have captcha, it should pass if done rightly,

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

Without capcha and one word capcha are absolutely fine. Those with two words dont work for me :-(

ohhk, that must be some trouble with other guy's blog then, methinks

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

I miss commenting on my friends blogs.. Yell

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hmm! Try AUDIO CAPTCHA ones. Maybe you are posting it wrongSurprised

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

okay. I will try.

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