Locked IndiRank (March 2012) - PreRank & PostRank discussions!

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I'm not usually this early with this thread.  the "Expected Date" of the next IndiRank (for March 2012) is on April 1st, 2012; Smile assuming Indi doesn't celebrate All Fool's Day with yet another postponed update.Innocent


However, rather than people getting old threads alive and getting others confused Undecided, I felt it right that this thread was a little earlier than usual. 


Discussion can go on lines of (well, not that is a absolutely adhered to, of course): 


  1.  What change you are expecting from previous IndiRank? (inc or dec)
  2.  Had a good blogging month? (activity helps you, you see!)
  3.  Are you expecting Indi to stick to the 1st April deadline? (just in jest!) Sealed


And after (whenever) the IndiRank is announced/updated, we can use this same thread for 


  1. Discussing what IndiRank you have got. (and/or the difference from prev. time)
  2. Any problems shown in your stats. (No feed, wrong MozRank, etc.)
  3. Just fun discussions! (though this usually transpires without a call for it!)


Cheers! Laughing

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Formatting.
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Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

My newest indirank is 84.

I'm happy! :)

great Arvind ji, cheers

from Tokyo
12 years ago

Congrats :)


Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Subho's Jejune Diet moved from 82 to 84! Shows up now in the top 50 in a few categories. 

Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

MOZ Rank: 3.54 (up from 3.2)

Alexa: 425K, down from 300K's after the .in redirect.

Juice Links: 58 (up from 28, no idea how and why)

GPR: 2 (no change)

great achievement shubhorup


down 5 p0oints, to 75, aexa is the culprit

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

oooooh!! i reached 80!!

from Tokyo
12 years ago

Congrats !!!

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Congos NS. Great work!

congo's kirti, you have taken my place of 80, and pushed me down to 75

from Pune
12 years ago

Wow 80 is great. Congrats.

congrats!!! wow!!!

from Tokyo
12 years ago

Hey I guess there are two threads running for this topic...My Dear U reached 79 from 61 :) Hopefully my other 2 blogs get a rank next time ;) Hey Leo u maintained well at the top.. 82 :) Congrats !

great aame, congo's

from Tokyo
12 years ago

Thanks PL :)

Tina Basu
Tina Basu
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am back to my old position 76 after the dive to 65 Laughing

great ,congo's

:):) Happy for you!

from Pune
12 years ago

Status Quo!! 71.

maintaining too is a task,

Aryaansh Sood
Aryaansh Sood
from Chandigarh
12 years ago

yippie..........first indiranks ...........23 ,25 , 37

respectively of my blogs aspdires, ankious me and aspdires 2  

aryaansh, buck up,

Aravind Bachu
Aravind Bachu
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I started at 47 progressed to 57 then 78 and fell back again to 53, but, the Lion King Returns!!, I am at 73 now!!Money mouth

HURRAY!!!Waiting to reach there someday:)

aravind, great recoupe

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