Problem with reply feature

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I wanted to raise a concern about The current forum reply system. If one replies to a post on an earlier page, the reply gets lost and possibly no one replies to it also. I am thinking if if would be good if we have a quote system instead of reply system.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Though what you are saying is good but it will lead to a bit of clutter, i feel and as RP has pointed out, connecting the dots and following it at a later point could be an issue as well. One more solution could be alerting the blogger to whom the reply is being made in his mail.

Like suppose, if I am making a reply to you in one of the threads...

@The Fool ---My reply---

(an email is automatically generated to this handle - The Fool - and a mail is sent to you that Arti replied to one of your posts in so and so thread).

This way, You will know that I just posted a reply to you and replies wont be lost. I know its a bit of a rough idea, but I was just thinking abt it...

from Mumbai
12 years ago

There is a quote feature besides the numbering options in the reply box has. That could be used as a solution too.

For ex.

This is quoted.....

I wanted to raise a concern about The current forum reply system. If one replies to a post on an earlier page, the reply gets lost and possibly no one replies to it also. I am thinking if if would be good if we have a quote system instead of reply system.

Your Reply Here.......

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Checking out the feature

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Checking out the feature

This is how you should check it. See it works.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

You mean you can copy paste and make a new reply to overall thread with copy pasted stuff in quotes? 

But that is not what I meant. There will be a button called quote. If you click that my post will have something like (possibly in a diff color)

Arti said

There is a quote feature besides the numbering options in the reply box has. That could be used as a solution too

Then after that I post my answer to the question. So my post will be the latest in the thread and not some backpage. ALso because of the quote, the context of my reply will be clear.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

So basically there will be a quote option below each post in the topic? To facilitate quoting any of them by the person replying. If people are following the conversation, it will be easier since the replies will all be posted at the bottom being the latest. But someone coming in at a later point of time will have a tough job trying to connect the dots to get the flow of the discussion to join in. They will probably need to read through from the first post to get the gist.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Quote system backed by email alert would be ideal, but number of replies are too many to digest sometimes Cool

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Maybe the email may help. But only for folks already part of that discussion. That too if they subscribe to it. And it will not be useful for folks joining the discussion at later stages.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I think Umesh and Deepak have explained what I meant.

YEah can be a perfect solution...Quote system is like,it will display the question first, later then the person's answer will follow will be easy to see and also understandable....Like              "What is quote system"Answer follows it.

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