Let's loop the loop story!
Indi forum is getting fun and creative nowadays! So let's start another relay story!
Taking the rules of Gayathri's thread,
1) The same person is not allowed to post sequentially, but you can continue after a person has posted a comment after you.
2) Only one sentence per post.
3) You must get unimaginably creative and humourous if possible.
I add this rule:
4) The last word of the previous sentence must be your first word.
So, if I end my sentence as "She came to see me." the next person after my entry should start his/her sentence with the word "me"
The objective here is not to trap the next person by giving a tough last word.
"Outing", she mused as he mind went back to her last outing 10 years back.
Came the monsoon and gone, but she did not get time for a nice rainy day outing.
To her it made her day
"Mused, Amused" she said as she left
too many thoughts were running through her mind.
Time heals everything but the scars her mother left her will never allow her to forget the past!
down the lane, He must be wating for her.
eerrr... indiblogger is tricking it didn't show me the second page...
was waiting for someone to post I can't post one and after another.. abiding the rules you see..
Forever was a really realy long time.
"Told you so" was one of her mother's favorite phrases
"Writer building", called out the bus conductor.
Burns, Edwad was the name of the writer of the book; a spoof of a book by Enid Blyton.
"Away Tree Magic Far", she read the title of the book in her hand.
"Now, Mom will know what it felt like," she thought as she boarded the bus to the old age home 25 kms away.
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