What do you think are the three secret ingredients?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Most of us here, if not all, do look forward eagerly every month to get our blogs assessed by robots, spiders and other non human creatures and recieve our electronic report card in the form of IndiRank. Well, the subject of discussion here is the three secret ingredients ( I think that it was two and not three some days back ) that contribute to IndiRank. If you have no idea that there exists something secret or if you have no faith in me, you can look up for yourself hereUndecided 



Now, what do think are those three ingredients? Try to justify your answers based on actual IndiRank statistics related to your blog.

Here are a few things which you may feel are a part of those three secret ingredients:

  • Number of Comments/ Length of comments
  • Word Count of posts
  • Fog Index or other similar indices (not sure if indices is the word to be used Undecided)
  • Shares and likes on social networking sites like facebook
  • Number of votes your posts on IndiVine are receiving
  • Number of people who have added you to their networks (IB has named it as My blog readers, making it one of the possible factors deciding IndiRank )

(List will be updated with more ideas that would be presented in your fabulous replies Wink )

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: -
Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Ascending
Grip on readers mind
from hyderabad
12 years ago

.... calculated using Grip-o-Meter: Every time our blog is opened, digital (and not analog) waves are sent to IndiBlogger which are analysed to quantitatively calculate the grip on reader's mind! Tongue out

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I feel the secret ingredients should be followers, promoters and comments

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago


from hyderabad
12 years ago

Changed! Surprised

from Chennai
12 years ago

That makes sense! Thank you for that! Now I understand that it does matter a lot.. :)

from Chennai
12 years ago

@animesh - seee I told you... and honestly.. I don't know how to get more people reading my blogs...I do post on Indivine... I can't do more... :) So we should just stop worrying about the number!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I will tell you what happens. If your Indirank is higher, your vote count goes up. Every vote adds 1+Indirank/100 to your vote. So, if Indirank is 50, every vote will add 1.5 to it and 90 Indirank will add 1.9 to it. It is quite possible that if you have got very high Indirank, your post reaches the home page with relatively fewer votes. And once it is there, you get a sudden trafic because of the visibility.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Whoa :) 1.74 isnt that bad then :D converts to 2. ;)

from hyderabad
12 years ago

But one thing I wonder is why posts that go to the home page do bring traffic but the vote count stays relatively constant. Is it because there is no promote button on the Home Page?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

No, its not that. When you click on the links of the homepage, it takes you to Indivine page and you have promote button there. Votes do change. Watch closely and that's why there is a shift in placings of posts on the homepage.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Yes, its true that we are taken to a different page where we need to click a link to read the page but in that case it is much probably that the raeder after clicking on the link closes the page and does not return to it. Whereas, in the case of normal IndiVine pages, only one IndiVine page needs to be opened even to read ten posts. So, after reading one post and seraching for the next, the raeder's eyes may fall on the promote button and he may promote it with a single click. There is no need to open a new page, as in the earlier case where a tab once closed may have to be reopened. The positions do change but the change occurs do to negligible number of votes, much less than 10 most of the times.

from delhi
12 years ago

I hardly comment on indiblogger

i dont get too many indivine votes

i dont have a huge network on indiblogger

but i have a relatively healthy rank.So i dont think there are any :P


from hyderabad
12 years ago

Good analysis but I was referring to comments you receive on your blog and not the comments made by you on IB.

from Chennai
12 years ago

Ranking is just a number so who really cares !! :D :P

from Mumbai
12 years ago

It is not, it is more than that. It can help driving traffic to your blog.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

How can Indiblogger rank help drive traffic to the blog?

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Ok. Ignore that. Read the explanation further down.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Numbers have a lot of fun hidden in them! Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Any good/trademark recipe has to have some secret ingredients. It's like a tradition... That's why probably they have included it Innocent Just enjoy the dish without caring much for the secret ingredients, it's yummm.. isnt it? Wink

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Sun ,Moon and earth .....

from Mumbai
12 years ago


from hyderabad
12 years ago

Tasty.... But why did sun, moon and earth come from nowhere? Innocent

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Ice Cream, Chocolates and ChipsInnocentCoolTongue out

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Too many jokes.... Undecided

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe three secret ingredients are visibility on Indivine for popular post, 48 hour popular and finally category popularity.

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Backlinks too I guessUndecided

from hyderabad
12 years ago

They are already included in the open stats and are not secrets. Undecided

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

OhTongue out

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Oh I donno. I feel that's a bluff maybe InnocentUndecided

from hyderabad
12 years ago

IB playing with us Surprised 

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Possibly! Why not? Tongue out Can happen. 

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Reminds me of the time when we used to try to de-code the IIM call parameters. It had a mystic aura to it and it was thrilling to speculate. Now thans to RTI, its all out in the open. Old thrill not there any more.

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