What touches the reader/writer most--> a Sad or a Happy ending?

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Hi friends, I was wondering what touches a reader more--> is it the wet sadness at the end or the fresh happiness trailing a story?... Writers have diverse fascination... so as we readers... So, please share your infatuation from a writer's desk to a readers's couch... do you like to create a melancholic note at your epilogue or make it lively with lots of giggles and jingles?

Frown / Smile ?

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I have no idea of what type of ending works well with the general crowd. But, I personally like those stories which have a sad... a very, very sad endings. Those are the ones that stay in my brain for ever and I keep thinking about them for days and months together imagining myself to be protagonist who has faced the maximum suffering in the story. ( I like hurting myslef in that way Wink )

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Well I like to write both Sad and Happy endings. Usually the ENDINGS depend on my moodSurprised. If I'm really happy then the story will get a Happy EndingLaughingbut if I'm a little down or upset, I usually make sure the people dieTongue outUndecided. It may sound stupid, but it doesn't to meWinkCause everything I write comes from my heartLaughing. Even the storiesWink

When it comes to reading, it well depends on the storyWinkLaughing. I usually like TWISTED ONES. Where I'll be expecting HAPPILY EVER AFTER but all dieTongue outand when I think Someone will die it will be HAPPILY EVER AFTERCool. A mixture is what I preferSealed.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

calm down... calm down Pooja... I'm trying to decipher your brain-map about this thread UndecidedTongue out

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Anunoy jhiLaughingYou can'tTongue out

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

depends on the story line i feel Anunoy Ji. some times the melancholy note stays with the reader more than giggles and jiggles :P i have written 4 short stories till now. one was bogus( :P) all sorts of teenage crap which i apparently picked from feel-good stories like Meg Cabot :P one of them ended on a good note; i mean the story was tragic but there was an indication of new beginning at the end. the other two were totally tragic.

so when i am writing, i take the story along the lines of what would suit the best, but when i am reading, i prefer happy endings but sobbing over a sad one works with me too only if the writing and emotions are good :)


Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

ok... i got your liking Kirti ji... you're open both ways... that's good too as you'll be left with more varied options Smile

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

well thats true. when i was younger, i was very naive. i mean i simply used to HATE sob-stuff endings. but now i have taught myself to be more broad-minded :P

when i showed my first short story to my teacher(that tragic one :P) she said she cried after reading it... that was the biggest compliment i have got till now :) so if i am able to touch people with sob stuff more, maybe i should write it more often :P :P

and please Anunoy Ji(somehow i get the inclination of calling you Anunoy 'DA' because here everyone here goes 'da' and i assume you are a Bengali too :) :P ) dont call ME 'ji'. i mean i am just 16+ :P :P it feels terribly awkward :P

NO Anunoy :Di will not be happy to see my readers crying.

i doubt whether i can do that, only very few writers can touch the readers heart :D 

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

you can... surely you can... we all want to cry... we enjoy the feeling of pain specially when it's not really having direct effect on us Tongue out

I saw the film satyam shivam sundaram at age of 13 in mussoorie . Though it was an adult one. Next to me a fat lady sat. I still remember her sobbing and crying. Though I too had tears in my eyes. But her senti sobbing I can never forget.
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

heheee you're a bigggg box of mixed experiences bro Laughing

Anunoy, you wanna cry ? Hear to Digvijay Singh's SPEECH :D

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Dee you make everyone "CRY" with laughterWinkCool.

But yeah I agree with Anunoy jhi, sometimes we enjoy the feeling of painWink.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Deepak Laughing

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

@Anunoy Ji. welllllll... that is a very interesting thing that you said. and you are right i think. when pain is not directly aimed at us, we like crying :P :P

but yaar... when Dumbledore died... i really DID think the pain WAS aimed at me (ignore this if i sound silly, i was in the 7th grade when i read Half Blood prince :P you now.. just 11 :P) i cried SO hard that my mom thought i had a broke my head or something :P :P

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

oh mySurprisedSame pinch Kirti, but I was a lil olderTongue out

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I feel, touchy-ness is something that is created by love, dedication and passion. Once all that goes in, you are good to go, both as a reader as well as a writer... and then, the ending really doesnt matter or does it?
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

hmmm... as a reader it'll be satisfying in that case... but as a writer I can't leave the ending to its own fateTongue out

but well said Arti....

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hmm. Again, I only agree to some extentTongue out.

Agree with Anunoy jhi to full extentWinkCoolLaughing.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Look Arti I'm gaining a fanbase by playing a sadist character Tongue out

Pooja are you sure you can pull the trigger while pointing the gun at their heart? Wink its not that easy... think again Tongue out

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

hmmm... very interesting Arti ji. definitely it is love, passion and dedication that touch the reader in the end but if the ending is left for the reader's imagination, wont we be disappointed if takes a twist we didnt expect?

like i will give you an example. take twilight. i honestly liked the first book. and i read New moon with an open mind too. i raised my eyebrows when Edward left(not to mention over the gross over-reaction of a Zombie named 'Bella' :P) but when Jacob came into the picture... i ACTUALLY started liking the book more. My friends found New moon the worst of the lot cuz their hero Edward had done a vanishing trick :P but to be honest, i liked that book the best.

So it was the passion, the love and the dedication in that book that made me like it. So i thought, i wouldnt matter to me how the ending would be(because it was kinda obvious that Bella would ditch him the character she is :P) but when the dude came back and the other guy was pushed into the friend-zone... i was DISGUSTED. i tried to get along with the parts where Meyer DID touch my heart with the emotions... but i am so sorry to say, the ending ruined it for me. and now i frankly hate that weird series :P :P i mean... the concept of FOREVER doesnt EXIST for God's sake.

So though i agree with you to some extent... i still think ending does matter. because at the end it is whether the guy went hapily forever after with the girl that stays with the reader than what happened in between(i am talking JUST about the love stories. NOT the books of other genre)

to take another example- i am a WORSHIPER of Harry Potter series. i mean honestly i treat that series like my grandparents treat Mahabharata or Ramayana. I loved every single novel, every single LINE, right from the beginning to the end. So though JKR touched my heart so so much with her work... i really think the ending would have mattered to me. i mean, would we have like Deathly hallows, or rather the HP series if HARRY had died and VOLDEMORT won?? :P i think the answer is a no :P :P

though there are some stories which i simply LOVED even though the ending was tragic. i simply LOVED those books :) and the ending DIDNT matter to me. so, at the end, we come back to the story line again i guess :P

interesting thought  Arti di :)

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Super Duper answer KIRTICool. You scolded TWILIGHT and Up-Held HARRY POTTERCool. I love you galLaughingLaughing.

POTTER HUG to youCool

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

i wasnt scolding anything or lifting anything up Pooja. I try and read every book with the same interest, no matter which genre. as i said, i even liked Twilight saga to some extent. but a few things in it were too obtuse for my taste.

thanks for the Potter hug btw.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

lolTongue out. You took me seriouslySurprised.

I was a twilight fan tooUndecidedbut then the last book totally ruined the thingUndecided.

Even I read all books yaarTongue outChillTongue out

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I like to read happy endings. I like to write sad endings.

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

good combination bro Smile

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

HeheheLaughing. AwesomeCoolTongue out

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

somewhat like me TF. though i try and write happy endings too... for the sake of my friends :P :P

Depends on the beginning and the title too. It should coincide with soul of the story. As a reader I like hilarious , light , soothing to the mind endings.
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

hehee that is what i assumed from your well shaved appearance Tongue out

I will illustrate one real saga, where chief guest Sri Ishwarchand vidyasagar Ji was seeing a play. So enraged by villany of a charecter, he forgot it was just a play. He took out his shoe and threw at the character. That character, laughingly said, now this shoe is his prize. He won't return it. It's like everyone to his own mentality. But I suppose most love hilarity.
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago


on the contrary I want my characters to weep, lament and die (if he has the guts) Tongue out.... getting sadist as a writer... my poor characters Frown....

Your talent in writing is real class. I saw it on the para, you wrote.
I hope you donot try that on your patients
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Oops each and every old man loves to be buttered Embarassed... how did you get the trick??

Dhanyabad bhaijaan Smile...

Patients... irk... irk.. hmm from my FB i guess Undecided... well the answer is no not at all... sometimes rather i adopt masochism to keep going Frown



It's a class in reality, no butter. It's so costly these days
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

seijonnoi ajkaal Amul lite use kori... almost half the price Tongue out

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I agreeLaughing. I love Hilarios and soothing but I also love some mystery and sadness added to itTongue out.

Anunot jhi, I agree with you to some extentLaughing. I want some of my characters to weep and die as wellTongue out

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

i agree Pramod Ji. its how the story takes you ahead. say there is this super cool love story where the guy and girl entertain you from the beginning and in the end the author finishes the guy off or makes the girl run away with some X or maybe theguy says he has cancer and he cant go on with her but then he discovers his report was wrong and before he could go back to his girl, the girl has gone off wth some other Y :P :P :P

(i am LOLing over my own comment :P)

so these kind of endings i HATE. even if this kind of crap is BETWEEN the story, i feel nauseated :P never liked Twilight for that reason i guess(unlike other girls of my age :P my friends call me weirdo :P :P i wonder very much if they are right :P)

but writers like Hosseini are different. he has that writing style which would touch your heart so much that every pain of the character would feel your own and it would make you cry. As Pramod Ji said, it coincides with the SOUL of the story and during the process, it would touch YOUR soul too :)

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