Time to Change! - Stayfree contest
Ladies & Gents, we have another contest - The Stayfree Time to Change! contest.
Although this is a women's brand, everyone is invited to participate, and both men and women have an equal opportunity to win. Let us know if you have any questions, and we hope you like the topic!
In the past also weeks have gone. But always results have eventually come. So I am sure one day these results will also come.
@TF: yes, yes, surely one day it will come :P
do not expect the result in next week too...it always happens dude ! :D
@TSW: hahaha :D let's see in which week it comes ;)
It usually takes a long time.
But these contest threads have an advantage. You can keep asking about results and no one scolds you for spamming. If you post enough, even if you don't win the contest, you may still become a forum hero. Which is something, right?
You have a point TF JHII never thought of that. You could have told this when I was extremely crazy about becoming the Forum Hero right?
@TheFool: More than becoming hero, what matters is that asking gives much relief :) Some one answers something (howsoever vague), and one gets to feel that more impatient people like him are waiting for result :)
That's what is wisdom of a fool. well hit the nail.
Yo, PL. The princess and I will ride this tide of change and emerge as the new heroes of the Forum.
No sign of results yet... :( Renie, can we please have an update?
You want update only from Rennie or would an update from princess or DS also do?
Um. Any update with considerable clarity will do. And say, considerable quantification of how long we need to wait it out.
lolGuess I will have to be callind Renie soon.
I think the delay is becuase there are some really cool and innovative entries in this contest. And it is obvious that the results declared will take some time because the judges also need to consider every post, read them and take decision
Lost patience and bought a Kindle Touch...
Galaxy S2 and iPad are left, lets hope... lol..
HahahhahhaGood job.
I will wait for three more contests, then if i stiil don't get ipad, by that time the price too will come to 5000/- methinks. then i might consider to buy the thing.
For me it depends on whether I win a contest first or I get my promotion first.
best wishes to you fool,
Go Promotion Go. Go Prize Go.
Whatever you get, I'm getting a treat.
thanks stephen
Thanks Pooja
@Pramod: hahaha.. Unfortunately, by then "The New iPad 2" (iPad 4) may be out in the market... iPad 2 may get extinct by that time...
@The Fool: All The Best... may you get both of them ASAP..
abhineet, you have a point there.
Thanks Abhineer, PL and princess for the good wishes.
The final list is ready, and we're awaiting the "all clear" signal. We should have the results out tomorrow!
I would like to point out that tomorrow is a holiday. I guess that will have some implications.
great!! thanks a lot for appearing and confirming about the final day!!!
Maybe Wednesday then TF JHI. Hopefully this week na.
That's great news Renie! Thank you!
Eagerly looking forward to those! Please don't disappoint me! Thanks for keeping us updated.
YAY! god bless. I'm so excited. thanks for taking the time to calm us down. :-P
Let us hope that this tomorrow does not turn out to be like the Kissan 'Tomorrow'...the ways of company bureaucracies are mysteriousand time is elastic when it comes to things like this:)
@C.Suresh: hahaha "elastic time" :P
whose luck gonna change this time
"Tomorrow" is here!!! :)
And like always, we all are sure that we will win. :)
@Aditya: Yes yes, everyone will get an iPad for sure ;) every one else will get a Samsung SII :P :P
@Aditya - I am sure I will not win.I just post here to boost my post count and propel me towards forum heroism.
Is waiting for the result more exciting
The announcement of a new contest?
-- Well, I stay free by letting in fresh dreams! :)
I am sure most of the people here wouldn't be waiting even for their board exam resuls :D ..offcourse waiting for the result is more exciting
Of course staying free from all anxieties and reaching out to have the whole world at your finger tips.
you don;t have a change of getting an iPad at the end of your board exam right. or an S2....
Yes Arvind ji, there is one contest with prize of MacBook pro!!!! but other prizes are not so exciting there, besides the topic too a bit off track..
Reading this thread, i am so anxious to knw the results, i am sure i may not be in ... but i just wanted to see :) Hope it won't be a Tiring Tuesday !!
Good luck to all!!
I want the results!! :(((
Gosh. Results are usually announced in the evening or at midnightThat is what I have noted from past results of IB.
Results are not anounced on holidays. That is what I have noted from past results of IB
Yep. I told yesterday also, that results would proably come out on Wednesday.
came ONLINE with lots of hope that by now results would have been out, and its still nowhere in sight :( will it be like "tomorrow never comes" :P
Results are out!
:( Heart-broken. Lost once again. :( But its OK, Mahindra result is not out yet. Still optimistic.
Congrats to all the winners.
Big time congrats too all who have won. You guys deserve it. :) Shweta (First prize) When is your first post from iPad coming?
Now let us all shift our focus to Mahindra forum. She has been ignored quite a lot.
Woohoo! Congratulations to all the winners!
Anyways enjoyed participating in this. Even though I felt I had written much better than all my other previous contest entries, I am not feeling disappointed at not winning anything. Will check out all the winning entries over time. Sure there will be something to learn to improve further. Reading expedia enties helped me improve in this and the Mahindra one. Still reading 100% Real entries.
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